Monday, June 6, 2022

New Poll Shows Biden's Support Among Black America Waning

Kira Davis reporting for RedState 

Democrats continue to hold the majority of the Black vote in America, but a recent poll shows that support for Biden in the Black community is waning.

As reported at RedState, an ABC/Ipsos poll shows Biden flailing on issues like inflation (71 percent disapproval rating), gas prices (72 percent disapproval rating) and economic recovery (61percent disapproval rating).

Now, a Washington Post/Ipsos poll shows Black Americans souring on the President just a bit. While the polling shows that 70 percent of the 1250 respondents approve of Biden’s performance, only 23 percent “strongly approve.” This may seem like an irrelevant difference, but the shift in certainty could be representative of the public frustration over Biden’s failure to keep his campaign promises.

Black Americans in particular were moved by the Biden/Harris campaign’s unkeepable promise to forgive student debt. Biden tried to gin up the Black voter base by recalling the days of the Democrat-led, segregated South, calling Georgia’s election reform laws “Jim Crow 2.0.” However, his hyperbole lost a lot of steam after Georgia turned out record numbers in primary voting. Meanwhile, Black voters have been feeling the sting of inflation and gas prices just like everyone else.

The polling may not show the Black vote shifting in dramatic numbers, but it does indicate an apathy that may keep many voters at home come midterm elections.

The poll was conducted from April 21 to May 2 based on a random sample of 1,248 non-Hispanic Black adults and a partially overlapping sample of 977 adults. The margin of error is 3.5 percentage points. – The Hill