Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Biden Denies Likelihood of Recession Hours After Talking to Larry Summers who Warned Him Recession is Certain

Joe Biden gave an impromptu interview with media at the beach in Delaware early this morning.  There is a lot going on in the video of the interview below.

First, Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden (jean shorts and green shirt), is obviously on alert and assigned to the role of Joe’s handler during this outing.  Two parents asked Joe for a picture with their daughter, a little girl in a bathing suit.  It appears Ashley was nervous about the optics and made some quick moves when creepy Joe gets ‘handsy.’  WATCH:

Secondly, if you have watched the video, you will notice Joe Biden said he talked to Larry Summers this morning.  Yesterday on Meet the Press, Summers stated a recession was a certainty given the status of the economic conditions.  However, creepy Joe says today he doesn’t believe a recession is likely.
