Sunday, May 8, 2022

WATCH: Dangerous Scene as Pro-Abortion 'Protesters' Gather at Justices' Homes, Attempt to Pressure Them

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Things are growing more and more dangerous after a draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked. Several of the Justices’ have been doxxed, and now protesters are gathering in front of their homes, attempting to pressure them to uphold the supposed “right” to the barbaric practice of abortion.

Videos show pro-abortion fanatics gathering at the homes of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

At one point, the video shows a coat hanger drawn in pink on the street, an obvious allusion to the common left-wing trope that women will get “back alley” abortions if they aren’t allowed to legally kill their children. There’s very little evidence that’s true, and given the availability of abortion-inducing drugs, I’m going to suggest that no one is going to be using a coat hanger no matter what happens. But stupid symbols die hard, and the left is nothing if not theatric in its absurdity.

As an aside, I don’t want to freak anyone out, but if you go to 0:14 in the video, a positively demonic-looking woman appears in the center of the screen for a few moments before quickly and deliberately turning her head away from the camera. It doesn’t look like a mask to me either, but even if it is, it’s creepy nonetheless.

Meanwhile, a crowd (perhaps the same one?) also gathered at Brett Kavanaugh’s house. According to witnesses, the tone was much darker.

I think we all know where things go from here. The decision hasn’t even been officially released yet, and we are getting protests outside the homes of the Justices. Once things are made official — and I do believe the majority decision will strike down Roe — we are going to get riots. It’s just a matter of time at this point.

This is why the leak happened, and it’s not a coincidence that the two squishiest Justices are being targeted. The way to stop this is for Roberts to stop being a coward and just put the official decision out there. No more delays, and no waiting until the end of June. It needs to happen first thing this week. Rip the band-aid off and start letting things deescalate. The current situation is only serving to keep the pressure building, and once the top blows off, it’s going to be ugly.