Tuesday, May 24, 2022

They Want You to Suffer

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

I don’t think I have to be the one to tell anyone reading this the news — as you are probably already well aware — but things aren’t going well under the Biden administration.

In a sentence I’ve typed way too often over the last year, inflation continues to sit at astronomical levels, gas prices keep increasing, and the border is in shambles. To make matters worse, over the past month, the stock market has crashed, eating away at people’s retirements and investments. Dreams that people had are now going to be on hold for years based on the hope that things will recover, and time isn’t something you can get back.

The response from the White House in the face of so many of their self-inflicted wounds hasn’t been empathy, though. Not that such would mean much, but it would at least give people peace of mind knowing that their leaders aren’t actively rooting for their destruction.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what appears to be happening. These people want you to suffer.

That’s the President of the United States calling the $5.00 a gallon gasoline that is crushing Americans an “incredible transition.” And lest anyone think I’m misreading him, he means it exactly as it sounds and says as much by citing that we’ll become “less reliant” on fossil fuels in the end.

In other words, this is all intentional. Biden and his handlers saw an opportunity to destroy the energy market and have done everything in their power to make that a reality. The most recent example came after the administration canceled more oil and gas leases that could have helped relieve price pressures long-term.

It’s not just Biden himself making the plan clear, though. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, who came into her position heavily invested in electric vehicle production, has continually told Americans to pound sand regarding high gas prices. Her suggestion? Go buy an expensive, likely unavailable electric car (because of production waitlists) that you can’t take on a road trip and that you can’t charge at home unless you have a garage. Even then, home charging is an all-night affair.

And while the president claims this painful, preventable endeavor will make us “stronger,” I’m struggling to see how becoming almost completely reliant on China is going to do anything but weaken the United States. Batteries don’t appear out of thin air, and the same concerns apply to things like solar power. Any energy policy that hands the engine of the world economy to a communist dictatorship is insane. That the Biden administration is actively choosing to do so makes it all the worse.

We’ve moved past the point of simple political disagreement and into the realm of purposeful sabotage in order to obtain a delusional partisan goal. They aren’t even hiding the ball anymore. These people want you to suffer.