Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Stand Back and Let the Crazy Happen

Once again, Democrats are pushing too hard and too far. Let them.

One of the benefits of coming down with a nasty virus was it gave me the opportunity to just stand back and watch the Lunatic Left unleash a heaping helping of crazy over the leaked draft opinion from Justice Samuel Alito.

It’s like I always say, the Left always pushes too hard and too far. It’s the way they’re wired.

When the hysteria started last week, I knew this was going to happen. Anybody who doesn’t have Joe Biden’s memory problems knew it was going to happen.

I’m old enough to remember how the Left freaked out during Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings.

And how did that work out for them? After the Democrats and their media handmaids ginned up their nut-job base over Kavanaugh in 2018, the Democrats lost Senate seats in the midterm elections.

And here we are again four years later, and the idiots are losing their collective minds before a midterm election.

As the old saying goes, when your enemy is making a mistake, just stand back and let the crazy happen. Okay, I’m paraphrasing. But you get the point.

The vast majority of Americans, even those who call themselves “pro-choice,” favor some restrictions on abortion.

But at the possibility of Roe v. Wade getting tossed out like the garbage ruling it is, the Democrats and their activist shock troops are blocking Catholic churches, intimidating conservative Justices by showing up at their homes, and vowing to pass a federal abortion law that would nullify any restrictions on the state level and make it legal to kill a baby at any time up to birth.

Meanwhile, those morons at the White House are confirming that “moderate” Democrat and “devout” Catholic Joe Biden doesn’t believe there should be any restrictions on abortion.

We couldn’t ask for a better response from these nitwits.

We don’t need to argue with them, debate them, or even defend our position. All we have to do is stand back and let these lunatics shriek for themselves.

The Democrats and their leftwing base jettisoned their previously held belief that they should never say the quiet part out loud. Now they scream the quiet part from the steps of the Supreme Court and from the floor of the Senate.

I spent the weekend recovering from this monster virus. So most of my Saturday and Sunday were spent lying on the couch sleeping, watching Season 5 of “The Last Kingdom,” and trolling through Twitter.

And let me tell you, the video clips I saw of radical lunatics “protesting” a Supreme Court decision that hasn’t even happened yet simultaneously horrified and delighted me.

We don’t need to point out that these people are unhinged lunatics; they’re doing it for us.

Just stand back and let them screech and carry on like unstable, emotionally-stunted head-cases.

This kind of lunacy coming at Americans like a hail of bullets from the media, the radical base, Hollywood, and Democrat lawmakers is going to backfire on the Democrats in a big way.

It isn’t just off-putting and weird; it’s deranged.

It’s more deranged than Disney coming out in favor of little children being taught how to perform various sex acts or how to “change” their gender without telling their parents.

It’s more deranged than the unhinged meltdown during the Kavanaugh confirmation.

It’s more deranged than Democrat politicians dismissing the idea that parents should have a say in how their children are educated.

The Democrat Party, so focused on appealing to the far-left minority that inhabits Twitter, has completely alienated the rest of the country. But because the Democrats think Twitter represents real life, they have no earthly idea that their agenda is roundly rejected out here in the real world.

So they screech like lunatics, intimidate Supreme Court Justices, and engage in vile displays where they “celebrate” abortion from the steps of churches, blissfully unaware that their behavior is repulsive to sane human beings.

We don’t need to do anything but stand back and let the crazy happen.

Stand Back and Let the Crazy Happen