Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Sméagol’s Call to Arms

Chicago’s activist mayor calls for an armed uprising. Sounds insurrectiony, no?

Chicago’s lesbian mayor Lori Lightfoot sent out a call to arms yesterday, claiming that the draft opinion from Justice Samuel Alito means the Supreme Court is coming for the “LGBTQ+ community” next.

Yeah, really.

A call to arms. Please.

See, the people who support unrestricted abortion know that their argument is weak. They know the vast, overwhelming majority of Americans support putting restrictions on abortion.

So they decided the way to get more people than the 15% who favor abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy to join the fight is to claim that the Supreme Court isn’t looking to overturn Roe v. Wade, but every Court ruling that has cited the 14th Amendment.

And since laws prohibiting gay marriage were overturned by the Court based on the 14th Amendment, Lightfoot is pretending the SCOTUS will overturn its 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

That, of course, is utter nonsense and not in any way supported by the text of Justice Alito’s draft decision.

The Supreme Court doesn’t just unilaterally decide to “come for” previous rulings.

But the point here isn’t to offer a factual, honest argument. Sméagol wants to gin up anger and fear among every leftist identity group under the sun hoping they will join the fight to keep Roe v. Wade in place.

JK Tweet call to arms

Abortion is the hill on which these ass cracks are willing to fight and die.

And there are those on the left who are willing to kill to protect their sacred rite of child murder.

Sméagol issuing a call to arms in this volatile political climate is deeply stupid. Then again, so is Mayor Lori Sméagol Lightfoot.

Ginning up panic and fear that Republican lawmakers wanted to repeal Obamacare prompted one man in 2017 to show up at a baseball practice field and open fire on a group of Republican lawmakers, nearly killing Congressman Steve Scalise.

Already radical Leftists are threatening the lives of the six conservative Justices on the Court. For an elected official to declare a call to arms over something that isn’t going to happen when people are already at the boiling point shows just how far down the radical hole the Democrat Party has gone.

Either Lori Lightfoot is an activist or she’s a mayor. She can’t be both.

This is what astonishes me over the Left’s claim that the Right peddles disinformation.

The Supreme Court isn’t “coming” for gay people. Republicans aren’t “coming” for contraceptives or interracial marriage. But far too many elected Democrats are making those claims with wild abandon.

But what do you expect?

This is the same party that claimed ending Net Neutrality would kill people.

In fact, the Democrats ginned up so much panic over Net Neutrality, that my own Congressman, John Katko received a phone message from some guy threatening to kill him and his family if Katko didn’t support Net Neutrality.

I don’t expect Sméagol to temper her rhetoric.

If the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020 taught us anything, it’s that even the loss of life won’t be enough to get Democrats to pull back on the throttle.

If I had to guess, the Democrats are just getting started. What we’ve seen over the last week is only the beginning. The rhetoric will grow more violent and the threats will get worse.

As Jesse Kelly said about protesters intimidating the Justices at their homes this weekend:

“Cracks me up people think we’ve reached a low moment when in reality this is but the gentle, quiet beginning in this country.”

It will get worse.

Like I always say, the Left pushes too hard and too far. Every time. They don’t do half-measures. They’re going to push the rage and fear into the red zone before they’re done.

And because they think all that rage and fear will help bring them victory in November, it will be Democrats politicians — from city hall to the White House — who will be leading the charge.