Monday, May 30, 2022

Report: Wisconsin School District Openly Teaching Critical Race Theory


Article by Jeff Charles in RedState

Report: Wisconsin School District Openly Teaching Critical Race Theory


It never ceases to amaze me that progressives claim concepts related to Critical Race Theory (CRT) are not being taught in K-12 classrooms, when many school districts are openly declaring they are using these ideas in their learning institutions. Instead of being honest about the matter and trying to defend the theory, they seem to believe they can get us to distrust our lying eyes. A Wisconsin school district has reportedly contracted with two consulting firms that instruct educators on how to implement CRT in their classrooms.

Parents Defending Education (PDE) reported that Milwaukee Public Schools contracted with Pacific Educational Group for $292,750 in the 2021 to 2022 school year. From the report:

Per the “Description of Services and the Specifications” in the contract, one session titled “Virtual Leads 2” centers on “Using Critical Race Theory to Transform Leadership and The Organization.” The document explains that the seminar “further examines the impact of race in schooling and introduces Critical Race Theory (CRT) – its importance, relevance, and application as an analytical tool for understanding race and the educational disparities resulting from systemic racism. CRT is established as a theoretical and requisite knowledge base in ‘Framework’ for systemic equity transformation.”

The third seminar instructs district staff to “review leaders’ understanding of critical race theory and begin a process of applying it a as a tool for analyzing personal, professional, and organizational manifestations of systemic racism in their lives.”

The programming has a section in which participants would develop “proficiency with the PEG Framework (Courageous Conversation Protocol, critical race theory tenets, systems thinking tools, and adaptive leadership principles) in all aspects of executive cabinet leadership functions.”

The district also contracted with Second Step, a social-emotional learning (SEL) program, in October last year. It entered into a five-year contract with Committee For Children, the organization that administers Second Step for $663,241.50. About $397,944.90 of this number are Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds, meaning the district is using COVID relief money for this program.

According to Second Step’s website, it is designed to help schools impose SEL “in a way that builds on students’ cultural assets, critically examines systems of power, and develops better ways of teaching, learning, and being.”

The “critically” examining “systems of power” is vintage CRT. It is the entire foundation of the theory.

This is just one in an ocean of examples showing that districts are using ideas related to CRT in their classrooms. In this case, the focus is on getting teachers on board with the theory’s concepts so they can better implement them in their classrooms. There are plenty of trainings and programs like this designed for that specific purpose. If they are going to indoctrinate the students, they have to do the same with the teachers who are supposed to carry out the indoctrination.

When more parents find out what is happening in public schools, there will be consequences. There is a reason why attendance in government-run schools has plummeted over the past couple years – and it’s not just COVID. Homeschooling rates and private school enrollment have seen a significant increase. This trend will only continue, as long as districts are more concerned with creating future activists instead of educating children.

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