Sunday, May 8, 2022

Rep. McClain to Newsmax: 'All Bets Are Off' If Putin Launches Nukes


"I think if he goes nuclear, I think all bets are off the table..."

????WTH???? What do we say to THAT? Thanks for the heads-up??


Article by Nick Koutsobinas in NewsMax

Rep. McClain to Newsmax: 'All Bets Are Off' If Putin Launches Nukes

Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., told Newsmax Saturday that if Russian President Vladimir Putin launches tactical nuclear weapons, the United States would have to respond "swiftly."

"There's not clarity," McClain told "America Right Now" regarding how the U.S would respond if Putin launched nuclear weapons. "There's a lot of hope [he won't]. And hope isn't a good strategy. But to answer your question. I think if he goes nuclear, I think all bets are off the table and we need to respond swiftly and justly.

"I'll say that I don't think anyone wants to do that, but at some point in time there has to be a line in the sand that we just can't let him cross."

The congresswoman's comments come two days before Russia's Victory Day parade on May 9, a World War II-themed parade celebrating the Soviet Union's victory in Europe.

According to the Daily Mail, Russian officials have insisted Putin's special Doomsday plane, which would allow him to continue ruling Russia if nuclear war breaks out, will be making low flights over Red Square for Victory Day.

Speaking on nuclear deterrence, the congresswoman adds that in the meantime, the U.S. needs to "continue building up our strength" and show "that we have the power and the willingness to let the world know that we are strong and we will lead." 

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