Sunday, May 8, 2022

NCIS LA celebrates 300 episodes, and I don't really care


Yes, after 13 Seasons, NCIS LA has reached 300 episodes. A true rarity among every show now.

Something to celebrate right? Only if you agree with what this show has become since Episode 250 IMO.

What has really changed since Episode 250? Well, here's sort of a shorter version instead of the really long explanation:

Callen is stuck misremembering his past and seemingly never moving forward with his life, Sam is overrated now, Kensi and Deeks have been on the most fantastical, inconsistent and hell bent from reality baby/adoption/fostering journey in the history of television (and almost every Densi fan love it because they just want to see them with some kind of family no matter how wrong it is!!), 2 new diversity tokens for rookies were added on, and need to be constantly coddled because of easily shaken up they get, No one seems to care about Hetty anymore because the people behind this show don't want to explain why they keep sending her on all these missions without explanations, the writing is a huge joke now, the errors are everywhere, and well, everything has just turned to utter shit!!

How can something like this happen? How can everything just go dramatically down hill in just 50 episodes? 

Too many reasons, like: Not caring, Useless filming restrictions that everyone foolishly fell for being the biggest excuse to be supremely lazy, clearly only doing this for the stupid money, and yes, just not caring anymore.

And that's sad, really, really sad. So many fans have stuck with this show for so long, and this is the thanks we get? Everyone more or less looking annoyed with each other except with whoever they're partnered with, the team's most important member being very unfairly forgotten about for whatever shitty reason there is, and every other crappy thing that I mentioned above????? Wow. Nice to know just how 'important' our opinions are, losers! 😂

Up until Season 10, I looked forward to every episode eagerly. I couldn't wait for Sunday to come. Then the accident occurred before Season 10 began filming, and everything turned into a nightmare from there: So many broken promises, so many failed opportunities, so many missed opportunities, and all for what? What did they really think to accomplish by destroying so much of what made this show so great in the first place?! What is so stinking hard about explaining what's really going on with Hetty??!!

I used to regard this cast as 'the best crew in Hollywood', as they are most often called. But now, I just see a bunch of idiots who either don't care what's happening, or are being paid to keep their real feelings shut so the false positivity junk can continue. There's been a bunch of interviews about the 300th episode, and I've pretty much eye rolled at all of them, because they just sound so fake. And that ET interview about thanking the fans? I wanted to laugh out of my chair! They haven't really paid attention to what the fans have wanted for the last few years! And they dare to say they've been 'paying attention' to what we want??!! We never asked for any of this crap!!! 🤬

Oh, and they actually had the nerve to title this episode 'Work and Family'. This team hasn't acted like a family all year, and we're just suddenly to believe that they're just suddenly a family again and not a bunch of workers looking annoyed at each other in each episode? Only an idiot would believe that.

As for if I plan on watching the episode, I'm not. I can already tell you what it looks like: Callen will get his planned proposal rejected, More Densi stupidity with their illegal alien, dumb moments with the diversity tokens that will lead to them being coddled later, and Hetty won't show up! Nice 'family' feels there, dummies!!

I'll always be thankful for the 8 great and 1 underrated Seasons that this show produced, and the few special episodes that should count as their own half Season. But most of Season 10 and Seasons 11 to now as a whole? Shouldn't even be considered part of the show because of how awful they are.

So, happy 300th NCIS LA. I don't feel you really deserved to make it this far given how terrible you've been, but whatever! Since when do opinions like mine ever matter?! 🍷

(oh, and if you've noticed that I don't have the cast photo for the 300th up here, well. The team in that dumb photo isn't the same team as in the 4 pics above, it's a bunch of idiots only. And I don't like idiots).