Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Intelligence Bulletin on 'Right-Wing' Violence Is Why the Intel Community Is Hopelessly Compromised

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Since the leak of a majority draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade (which looks to be the current vote as well), the far-left and their media allies have grown increasingly hostile.

Early on, violence broke out in Los Angeles that included the vandalizing of vehicles and physical confrontations with police. Since then, things have moved to the homes of some of the Supreme Court Justices. Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito have all been targeted, with the latter reportedly having to be moved to a safe location as protesters currently remain outside his house. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, a pro-life organization’s office was spray-painted and set on fire.

The far-left has been lashing out in incredibly violent ways going back years, with the peak being during the 2020 BLM riots. Now, we are seeing things ramp up again, with the promise of severe escalation once the decision on Roe becomes official.

In the midst of all that, one might wonder whether it would be a wake-up call for the federal government in regards to threat assessment. Repeatedly, we’ve seen leaked documents or open testimony constantly decrying the dangers of “far-right” extremism. Yet, here we have the far-left growing increasingly dangerous.

So what’s the intelligence community doing right now about it, you might ask? They are putting out intelligence bulletins on…threats to abortion clinics.

The assessment in question comes from the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center, which is part of Homeland Security, and all you can do is shake your head. There are dangerous crowds as I type this still in front of Justice Alito’s home shouting threats. Lori Lightfoot, the Democrat Mayor of Chicago, gave a “call to arms” on Tuesday morning to supporters of Roe. Over at the Supreme Court, no-climb fencing has been put up. In all of those cases, it is the left that is presenting itself as a threat.

Yet, Homeland Security, in conjunction with the intelligence agencies, is out here talking about right-wing threats to abortion clinics. It’s astonishing, especially when you consider how rare attacks on abortion clinics are. By the left’s own stats, which are questionable in and of themselves, there have been 11 murders tied to “anti-abortion violence” since 1977.

By contrast, more people were murdered (25) during the BLM riots of 2020 than in the last 40+ years regarding abortion clinics and abortion doctors. Further, such violence has become essentially non-existent in more recent times. You have to go back to 2009 to find the last time an abortion doctor or staff member was killed because of their profession.

To be clear, any kind of violent attack, even against institutions as deplorable as abortion clinics, is wrong and should be unequivocally condemned. But for the intelligence community to act as though it’s abortion clinics that are at high risk right now is laughable. Pro-life individuals are not going to go attack abortion clinics once Roe is overturned. That doesn’t even make any sense.

This bulletin mimics a report from CNN last week which also asserted that “right-wing” violence is the current threat even as the left publicly lashes out over the possible Roe decision. The narrative must always rule, and that’s true for the intelligence community as well. It’s why the CIA, those at Homeland Security, and all the rest are hopelessly compromised.

Even in the midst of clear left-wing threats, they won’t put out a bulletin pointedly making that declaration. FBI Dir. Christopher Wray isn’t going to get up in front of Congress and decry the dangers of left-wing extremism. But they’ll leak a bulletin warning about attacks on abortion clinics because that fits the narrative. It’s always the same thing.