Friday, May 27, 2022

If Republicans Collaborate with Dems to Betray Us on the 2A, They Will Lose the Midterms


Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

If Republicans Collaborate with Dems to Betray Us on the 2A, They Will Lose the Midterms

Not one inch.

The GOP better not give up one single inch on gun freedom.

The Democrats are giddy. They were hoping that SCOTUS putting the kibosh on kid killing was going to save them from annihilation in November. That did not work – Americans were less interested in preserving a non-existent right to snuff out a life two minutes from crowning than in $6 gas. But this scumbag’s murder rampage in Texas has given them new hope, they think. All the GOP has to do is be spineless and stupid.

So, they’re feeling pretty confinement.

We could discuss the facts, like how the real issue is mentally ill kids (lib COVID lockdowns were no help) and lax security at schools where some cretin can wander in with a rifle and hang out unchallenged. We can also point out the obvious – that disarming law-abiding citizens only empower the criminals Democrats excuse and the tyrants they want to be. But facts and evidence will not stiffen the spines of the noodle caucus that thinks that the regime media will let up if they only “DO SOMETHING” even though the doings the Democrats demand are acts of political onanism.

No, the GOP caucus in Congress needs to understand if good policy and a respect for the Second Amendment are not reason enough for them to derail the runaway freight train of bullSchiff exploitation legislation the Dems are pushing then our vengeance at the ballot box will be.

Stop fearing mean tweets from blue-checked Kaden O’Geebo of Politico and start fearing your voters.

We saw the effect of weakness in response to the death of that fentanyl and pregnant lady-threatening enthusiast that preceded 2020s summer of rioting. It helped hamstring the response to the violent chaos. And it showed us that only we can protect ourselves – with guns. Gun sales are setting records, and it’s not because the American people think the government is going to do a competent job and not ever try to treat us like peasants as they do to the Aussies who obediently turned in their rifles and ended up locked in COVID camps.

Guns are not a luxury. They are essential to what it means to be citizen as opposed to a subject. I write about the importance of an armed populace in my upcoming new nonfiction book We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America:

“Americans own more guns than there are Americans, and that is an unalloyed good thing. Citizens should own guns, and lots of them – the possession of cold steel that shoots hot lead distinguishes citizens from lower forms of life, like ‘subjects,’ ‘serfs,’ and ‘gulag residents.’ In a nation meant to be by and for the People, it is important that the People never cede to the State, which is their tool and not their master, a monopoly on violence. Having guns in the hands of citizens is the ultimate veto over tyranny.”

So, guns aren’t just fun toys. They are not optional. They are critical to our identity as citizens. Taking them turns us from the rulers into the ruled. And that’s exactly why the Democrats want us disarmed, demoralized, and disenfranchised.

So, we GOP voters are all one-issue voters on gun rights and you best be on the right side of that one issue. Republicans, understand that if you betray us – by which we mean pass any item off the garbage Trojan Horse gun-grabbing laundry list the Democrats had been holding ready to spring the next time some worm decided to shoot up a school – then we will abandon you and you will lose the midterms.

You are on the verge of an astonishing and historical victory. The Democrats know they are toast. There is only one way for you to blow it, and that is to choose to sell out your base.

They are hoping you do.

They want you to do it.

They are praying that you do to their false weather goddess, the angry one who demand you sacrifice your truck and pork ribs to her so she turns down the global thermostat.

All you have to do is…not do it.

Do not embrace a stupid policy that does not address the real issue.

Do not go along with defacing to the Constitution.

Do not sell out your own voters.

Do not imagine that if you only obey the regime media they will stop hating you. Look at Mitt, who is just aching to submit to them like he did to Candy Crowley. Do they even hide their contempt for him? 

Look at Adam Kinzinger. He debased himself more thoroughly than a CW teen star convict trying to buy some protection for himself in Pelican Bay, yet his Democrat pals still gleefully gerrymandered him out of Congress and into some gig at a think tank with a name like “The Center for Sensible Conservatism that Fails Respectably.” 

It’s a loser’s game, and you should be insulted that the Democrats are convinced you will play it.

Don’t be a loser. 

It’s tempting. The mayhem was horrible. There are crying people on the TV. Reporters are asking why you want to kill children by not turning law-abiding citizens into felons. But this is the time to be strong.

Your policies did not create the mayhem or the crying people, and your policies did not kill children. That’s all lies.

If you think there are things to be done, let them wait until January when we’re in charge. After all, the Democrats won’t do anything about criminals except turn your voters into them. The Democrats reject any real solution to these problems – they’ll spend $40 billion to fortify Kiev but not a cent to fortify schools. That’s because they do not care. Look at Beto. He didn’t care – he wanted a political moment. Are you going to reward that?

Not if you want our votes.

Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, you are not dumb people. You know this rush of political adrenaline will fade, but our memory of a political Benedict Arnold move will not. You each want to rule your respective legislative body, and you will – if you keep the weasels, sissies, and weakhearts in your coalition in check.

No compromise on our rights. None. 

And if you do, you will lose us and the midterms.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are hoping you Republicans will be weak and stupid, blending cowardice with bad policy to make those Twitter blue checks be nice to you until the next time – which will be about five minutes after you sell us out.


Don’t even think it.

If you wobble, you lose the midterms. Choose wisely. 

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