Sunday, May 29, 2022

Hero Woman Stops Graduation Party Mass Shooting WITH A GUN


Article by Kevin Downey, Jr., in PJMedia

Hero Woman Stops Graduation Party Mass Shooting WITH A GUN

There’s some good gun-related news this week out of Charleston, W.Va.

According to Charleston police, Dennis Butler, 27,  was speeding his car through an apartment complex last Wednesday night. People approached him and asked him to stop as there were kids playing nearby. He left and returned shortly thereafter around 10:45 p.m. with an “AR-15 style” rifle and opened up on “dozens” of people celebrating at a graduation party.



A woman at the party with a legally concealed pistol returned fire and ventilated Butler numerous times before he was able to hit a single reveler.

“Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night,” said Charleston Police Lieutenant Tony Hazelett, as WOWK reported. “She was lawfully carrying a firearm and stopped a threat. There was a graduation party and a party with kids so obviously someone just graduated high school and we could have had a casualty shooting.”

Hazelett continued, “Again, I credit her with being vigilant; watched him get out, engaged the threat, stopped him.”

Police arrived minutes later. Butler had been perforated numerous times and later gave up the ghost. The woman who perforated the potential mass shooter cooperated with police and was not arrested, according to Hazelett.

Though police did not go into detail, they claim Butler had an “extensive criminal history.” 

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