Monday, May 9, 2022

Eric Holder Says AG Garland Should use J6 Investigation to Indict Donald Trump

In this interview former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a man of highly corrupt character, is asked about current Attorney General Merrick Garland and the January 6, 2021, DC insurrection witch trials [06:49 prompted].

Holder gives the game away behind the J6 effort, a collaboration between a corrupt congress and a corrupt justice dept, when he states that Donald Trump should be indicted by Merrick Garland later this summer.  “Given what we have learned, I think he has to be held accountable.”  WATCH:

The intention of the J6 committee is to create a legal path to interfere in the 2022 mid-term election and simultaneously target Donald Trump (and others) for prosecution, in order to keep him/them out of office.  The J6 effort is lawfare in its purest form.

When they see 10,000+ people show up to every single MAGA rally and event, the political operatives in both wings of the UniParty in DC know they must take action.  The system rulers are attempting to protect themselves from the people they claim to rule.