Monday, May 23, 2022

Democrats Should Stop Doing White Supremacy Before Asking Republicans to Condemn It

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Democrats are having a field day with the white supremacist terrorist attack that occurred in Buffalo, New York. Once the tragedy hit the airwaves and interwebs, high-profile leftists took the opportunity to pretend the shooter represented the views of most Republicans and conservatives.

These folks have even called on GOP politicians to join their empty condemnations of white supremacy, as if that would somehow stop Democrats and their comrades in the activist media from labeling conservatives vicious bigots who celebrate the slaughter of black Americans. But perhaps their protestations would mean something, if they were not the party actively pushing to maintain disparities between white and black Americans.

The more important issue at hand doesn’t involve making statements – it involves action. I’d rather see Democrats stop pushing policies that promote the white supremacy they claim to detest, instead of making flowery speeches against racism on the airwaves and posting lofty condemnations of racism on Twitter.

For starters, everyone’s favorite anti-gun Democrats are standing on the dead bodies of the black victims of the attack–not only to smear Republicans but also to push for more restrictions on guns. The fact that none of their proposals would have prevented this terrorist attack is completely lost on them.

But what is more infuriating about this issue is that the massacre took place in a state that makes it damn near impossible to get a concealed carry permit, so blacks and other New Yorkers can protect themselves. Their onerous gun restrictions disproportionately make it more difficult for black folks to carry firearms. In fact, the gunman discussed this in his manifesto, explaining that he chose that particular location because he knew it was unlikely anyone would be armed.

The only person with a weapon at the scene was a security guard who could not stop the gunman because he was wearing body armor. But what would have happened if more of the people in Top’s Supermarket were armed? We will never know – but it is highly likely some of those lives could have been saved. But this applies not only to racially-motivated terrorist attacks; black Americans deserve the right to exercise their Second Amendment rights just as much as anyone else. Unfortunately, Democrats don’t see it that way.

Next, we have the substandard education black students receive in cities governed by – you guessed it – Democrats. Did you know that, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 84 percent of black students are not proficient in math and 85 percent are not up to par in their reading skills? Despite governing these areas for decades, Democrats have not bothered to affect real change when it comes to education. Instead, they just blame their failures on racist Republicans who somehow force these cities not to ensure their students are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in adulthood.

In fact, at least one state is being sued for failing to provide an adequate education. A group of former students in Detroit filed a lawsuit in 2019 against the Michigan Department of Education and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for their “constitutional right to access literacy” according to WBUR.

From the report:

One of the plaintiffs, Jamarria Hall, graduated in 2017 from Osborn High School. Now, the 20-year-old is trying to get through community college in Tallahassee, Florida, an undertaking he says has been difficult due to his lack of high school education.

He likens his four years in high school to “prison or daycare.” He says most days, students would sit in classrooms for hours — sometimes without a teacher — watching movies such as Disney’s “Frozen.” He says the school lacked heating or cooling, so days below freezing, students would wear winter coats to class.

The school lacked efficient drinking water and bathroom facilities, he says. The lawsuit details students finding “bullets, used condoms, sex toys, and dead vermin on the playground” and eating “moldy bread and expired milk” during lunch.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if black students are receiving low-quality education while white students are not, we’ve got ourselves some bonafide white supremacy. Indeed, depriving black students of education is one of the main ways the left has preserved racial disparities. The fact that they oppose the idea that black parents should choose where and how their kids are educated also demonstrates that the party is not for black people. It was only a few weeks ago that it was revealed that the Biden administration is trying to make it harder for charter schools, which have benefitted black communities for years, to exist.

If I didn’t know any better, I might be tempted to think they are doing this on purpose.

Last, but most certainly not least, we have one of the progressives’ favorite topics: Racist policing. Have you ever noticed that the vast majority of instances involving police brutality against black men occur in cities governed by Democrats? For people who claim to abhor the treatment black people receive from law enforcement, they sure are doing little to curtail it.

Sure, when a black person is mistreated – or even unjustly killed – by a police officer, Democratic politicians and influencers are quick to get in front of a camera to decry the act. But they are slow when it comes to taking action. Unless, of course, that action is to defund the police to ensure fewer officers are patrolling the streets. Skyrocketing crime rates be damned, these virtue-signaling leftists need to look like they’re doing something, don’t they?

But this isn’t just about violence. Police in Democrat-run cities also find other ways to target black Americans. Let’s take Chris Ronayne, who is currently running for county executive in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. He previously served as president of University Circle, Inc., which is responsible for policing in the University Circle neighborhood. A ProPublica investigation revealed that 88 percent of those who received citations related to “traffic violations and misdemeanors such as trespassing, jaywalking and possession of marijuana” were black. This is especially noteworthy given that blacks make up only 23 percent of the neighborhood’s population.

Ronayne’s Republican opponent, Lee Weingart criticized him for this blatant display. During an appearance on “The Outlaws” podcast, he explained that despite promising to fix the issue, Ronayne actually made the problem worse. “So I requested the tickets issued for the next eleven months, from October of 2020 through August of 2021, to see if they had fixed it,” Weingart explained. He continued:

So eleven months later, we tallied up all of the tickets issued by the UCI Police Department, which Chris controls. And the number wasn’t 90% issued to black drivers. It was 94%. By fixing it, Ronayne increased the percentage from 90% to 94%.

If this city were governed by Republicans, what would folks on the left say?

We already know, don’t we?

Perhaps the reason Democrats scream about white supremacy so loudly is to distract from the fact that they are the prime purveyors of it. After all, virtue signaling is so much easier than solving the problem, isn’t it?