Wednesday, May 11, 2022

DeceptiCons Agree, the Most Important Focus for Legislation is Massive Ukraine Spending Package

The republican senate leadership team held a press conference today announcing their support for the priority agenda of Joe Biden and the White House.

As Leader Mitch McConnell noted at the beginning of his remarks, “we all agree, the most important thing going on in the world right now is the war in Ukraine,” and with that statement McConnell announced he and Joe Biden have agreed to advance a massive package of $40 billion to pay the salaries and retirement benefits of the Ukrainian government.

Comrades, you must put aside any stress about how to afford groceries and still fill your gas tank, there are people in the government of Ukraine who need your tax dollars more.  WATCH (45 seconds):

No gas money, no grocery money, no infant formula, no voting integrity…. Meh, no problem.  We’ve got Ukrainians to support.

DECEPTICONS ♦ Senate Republican Leader: Senator Mitch McConnell♦ Assistant Minority Leader: Senator John Thune♦ Conference Chairman: Senator John Barrasso♦ Senate Republican Conference Vice Chairman: Senator Joni Ernst♦ Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairman Roy Blunt♦ National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Rick Scott♦ Corporate Public Relations Firm, Fox News