Thursday, May 26, 2022

CBS News Calls Out O’Rourke's Exploitative Stunt, “Clearly Staged by Candidate and Campaign”

CBS journalist Janet Shamilan was at the Texas press conference where the political campaign of Beto O’Rourke, pulled a stunt to exploit the tragedy of the Uvalde school shooting.  Ms. Shamilan describes how the campaign had placed seat holders at the press conference as part of the coordinated and “clearly staged” political stunt.

WATCH (03:32, prompted):

The fact that campaign staffers were holding seats to set the stage for the stunt reflects how far in advance the campaign of O’Rourke planned to exploit the tragedy.

Civility has long been removed from the current Fascist Democrats running their political operations.  During a somber Texas press briefing today, Governor Greg Abbott was informing the public on the latest information about the Uvalde school shooting.

Former failed senate candidate, and current democrat political candidate to challenge Abbott, Beto O’Rourke, having previously planned and informed the media of his intent, pulled a political stunt by interrupting the press briefing in order to make political statement advocating for a ban on firearms. {Direct Rumble Link}  VIDEO:

Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said to O’Rourke: “You’re out of line and an embarrassment.”  Patrick Francis O’Rourke, as he was being escorted out, turned around, faced the stage, pointed his finger and said: “This is on you until you choose to do something different. This will continue to happen. Somebody needs to stand up for the children of this state or they will continue to be killed just like they were killed in Uvalde yesterday.”

The ultra-far-left moonbat democrats have no comprehension of sensitivity, timing or civility.  Democrat candidates like Beto represent an emotionally unstable, immature, illogical, opportunistic and violent mob of radical communists.