Tuesday, May 10, 2022

2000 Mules = January 6 = Truth Social = Ukraine

 A Sunlit7 op

After watching 2000 Mules the other night it was apparent we could learn just what the election fix was about. I don't call it a steal, stolen or rigged election because I firmly don't believe it was any of those. I am also of the belief that the next election will fall along the same lines regardless of who wins...the end result will be that the winner was chosen not elected. There seems to be a lot of disconnect when it comes to Trump and his base over these vaccines but instead of correcting the course he just keeps adding insult to injury. This can be seen during a recent rally were he, after the J&J vaccine was restricted due to blood clotting, brought the owners of J&J onstage and introduced them to the crowd who weren't the least bit thrilled. Needless to say neither was twitter followers.  He even goes on to tout himself in a phone interview as "the father of the vaccines because I am the one who produced it". You can see that clip in the third tweet down (https://ussanews.com/2022/05/07/out-of-touch-maga-crowd-unimpressed-as-trump-touts-friendship-with-johnson-johnson-heir-at-rally/), the tweet from the guy in the black t-shirt. At the rally Trump had this to say about the owners:

“Woody Johnson. A great gentlemen. You ever hear of Johnson & Johnson? He owns the place. I tell you what, this guy’s got cash like nobody’s got cash,” Trump announced.

That right there is why I keep telling people he's the most deadliest person in this game. He's not invested in Making America Great Again, he's not invested in caring about people, he's invested in it for the money. When he can stand on stage with such conviction when people are being injured and dying from the vaccines and make a statement like that than yes he will sell you out up to and including "fixing" an election. Only when a person can repeatedly flaunt something in his base's face, tell them they can't boo his vaccine, tell them no, no, no, no, you don't get to do that, or call them an insignificant small group over in a corner than it's more definite than not that he's in on the fix. It's just like I've been trying to tell people for months that we are living in the "Longest Episode of the Apprentice Ever".  https://hive.blog/deepdives/@sunlit7/the-longest-episode-of-the-apprentice

Which brings me to 2000 Mules. In that movie they talk about the fact there was no way they could have tracked and arrested some of the people involved within the time frame given. The only way they could have done that was using the same system they used to track people who were hired as mules. Which, as they point out in the movie, means they were tracking some of these people long before they even showed up at the January 6 rally. I tried telling people this when it comes to Truth Social after it was announced David Nunes was going to be CEO. He was on the intelligence committee. Of course I received a lot of back lash for that, still do but non the less I keep moving forward telling people all these things are not adding up. In any takeover of our government it is pertinent to know exactly where all the individuals who would oppose such a move are located. I've told many of them that unlike Ukraine they won't have to bomb an entire neighborhood to get at you they'll just knock and off you go. But not only has what was said in this documentary pertinent to what they described as possibly having gone down locating people who attended the January 6 rally, their ability to use this tactic in the future having used Truth Social but now also Ukraine.

Like I detailed in another post you always need to watch who is "up to bat", who is making the headlines. If you look behind instead of at the distractions you'll gain more insight into what's really going on. There was a reason for those satellites and why they were so crucial to get up and running over Ukraine. You have to remember that Zalensky spent years bringing in the so called "fringe groups" and incorporating them in the Ukrainian Army and police. There was a lot of trust built up between the Ukraine government and these groups over a number of years. The object, and this is only my opinion, was never about the Russians but about getting at and getting these groups to openly communicate. This is why, again in my own opinion, you see so many reports of Ukrainians doing so much of the damage against Ukrainians. If they used a similar program as mentioned above they not only knew where most of the people "on the fringe" lived but they could track and take them down in combat.

My personal opinion is and was this whole thing has been orchestrated. They are in the mist of tearing it all down and they are going to build it back better. This could also be seen in a quote from a Russian soldier in a video I watched the other night. This lady was telling a Russian soldier and a person documenting the damages being done to finally get them all and to destroy them. The Russian soldier not only told her they would but that they would come back afterward and build her a nicer house to live in. Energy efficient no doubt. That's why I think in many of these video's you see they are literally demolishing the housing. I mean really, in the midst of a war when has it ever been said upon the populace "no worries we'll make the place better when it's done?" I surely missed that line in every war movie I've ever watched. Not to mention I can hardly picture Putin sending off his army advising them to make sure they tell the citizens he'll be back to fix it all back up for them. It doesn't happen like that unless it's planned to happen like that.

People need to start thinking critically before it's to late. You look at the appearance of Scot Atlas back into the spotlight when people started realizing there was more deaths with a vaccine than without. https://hive.blog/deepdives/@sunlit7/the-outliers He suddenly appears with a book on how the lockdowns caused all these "extra deaths". Robert Malone was thrust into the height of his popularity when Charles Lieber trial was forthcoming. Robert Malone surfaces during Lieber's arrest to make claim he's the inventor of the mRNA technology. He goes on to struggle though the months to get past being called a quack to all of a sudden appearing almost nightly on major news outlets when Lieber's trial is about to start distracting people with his mass formation psychosis schtick. https://hive.blog/deepdives/@sunlit7/breaking-the-malone-mass-formation Malone, as I highlighted in a post, basically stuck some peanut butter in some chocolate but could never perfect a perfect peanut butter cup nor did he have the type of "beautiful mind" to master such a feat. When the court ordered the pharmaceutical companies to hand over the documents regarding the vaccines and reports that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were on the rise in Europe Ukraine found itself thrust into a war with Russia. No fears though because super hero Musk is here to save free speech which led a week later to the formation of a disinformation bureau led by a woman doing a quirky rendition of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. https://hive.blog/deepdives/@sunlit7/ukraine-and-the-seventeen-billion-dollar-honeypot Anybody still out there not believing yet that these are deliberate orchestrated steps and we are living in a live reality version of The Longest Running Episode of the Apprentice yet?

Speaking of the woman doing the quirky Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I think she sums up what's happening best in another off laden tune when she sang "how much a bitch do I have to become to be rich". Hopefully we'll never have to find out if people start wising up to all this.


I want to thank my friend Tim for the remastered picture above. I knew Tim since high school. He died last month from covid. His last FB post was this:

Praise You, Jesus. I've been quite ill - I had breathing issues and fatigue - very little sleep. I despaired. I asked Jesus to take me off the Earth. After many times asking to die, It occurred to me . . . 'Choose Life' - I asked Jesus to Heal me and restore me - He started to - within hours I'm half-way back. Tired and achy, but the breathing is way improved. God is not willing that any should perish. I've GOT to stop thinking negative when it comes to God. Thank You, Jesus


Rest in peace my friend.