Tuesday, April 19, 2022

X22, On the Frings, and more-April 19


2 words that trigger every liberal: Family Friendly. Why? They know what those 2 words mean, and they hate them. Their own version of 'family friendly' involves their twisted agendas that have nothing to do with being 'family' or friendly. Which is why they get so triggered whenever they hear the real version of 'family friendly' being tossed around anywhere, because it doesn't fit their hateful agendas. Long story short: Today's huge GAC Family news has the hateful bigots of the internet (most of whom have probably never even seen a Hallmark movie or ever heard of CCB!) getting their panties in a twist! 🤣

Also, today was the last day of filming Season 13 of NCIS LA (Glory be!!). Crossing fingers that a surprise Hetty scene was filmed today!

Here's tonight's news: