Saturday, April 2, 2022

Manchin, Other Dems Blast 'Frightening' Biden Decision That's About to Make Things Worse

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden has done so much harm to our country in such a short period.

Perhaps one of the worst things that he has done is destroying the border policy that President Donald Trump had worked so hard to put in place. Illegal entry across the border has hit historic highs under Joe Biden. But one of the few things that was preventing the situation from getting worse was something Biden wasn’t responsible for — Title 42, the public health policy that the government employed to expel illegal aliens saying it was essential to combat COVID. Title 42 was put in place under the Trump Administration after COVID started.

But the Biden Administration has now caved to leftist activists and announced that they will be ending the Title 42 policy as of May 23.

“After considering current public health conditions and an increased availability of tools to fight COVID-19 (such as highly effective vaccines and therapeutics), the CDC Director has determined that an Order suspending the right to introduce migrants into the United States is no longer necessary,” the Centers for Disease Control said in a statement earlier on Friday.

So if you thought it was bad already, just wait, it’s about to get much worse when that tool goes away.

Even Democrats are excoriating Joe Biden over this decision.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), one of the voices of moderation in the Democratic Party, called Biden’s action a “frightening decision” that will only make everything worse.

“We are already facing an unprecedented increase in migrants this year, and that will only get worse if the Administration ends the Title 42 policy,” Manchin declared. “We are nowhere near prepared to deal with that influx.” Manchin even said that he thought Title 42 should probably be permanent.

He wasn’t the only Democrat speaking out. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) — both from Arizona, one of the states likely to get inundated without the policy in place — blasted the decision.

Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) also said that this would lead to a surge that the “administration does not appear to be ready for.” That’s a kind of way of putting how bad it’s going to be.

But unfortunately, this is the consequence of Democrats putting a guy in power who is beholden to the radical agenda. He doesn’t care if this hurts Arizona, any other state, or any Americans. He doesn’t care if this sinks the Democrats in Arizona. This is always and only about that agenda.

According to Fox’s Hillary Vaughn, the Biden team’s response to the situation is going to make everything worse. They’re thinking about taking away care from veterans to deal with the illegal aliens.

And checking who anyone is? Forget about that.

So will these Democrats be working with Republicans to stop this from happening in May? We have seen Manchin and Sinema are willing to shoot Biden down and stand up for principle.

If Biden is going to end the Title 42 policy, he must have declared the pandemic over because he’s saying that we have nothing to be concerned about from the massive influx of thousands of illegal aliens a day. The pandemic then doesn’t apply to illegal aliens but it does apply to Americans, according to Biden.

If Biden believes the pandemic is over, then he should also end all other COVID mandates and dictates, and take back all the members of the military that they have booted because they wouldn’t get vaccinated.