Thursday, April 21, 2022

Jen Psaki Has Been Completely Consumed by the Delusions of Washington

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Jen Psaki isn’t long for her job at the White House.

Having reportedly accepted a job with MSNBC that will include a primetime show, Biden’s press secretary will make one of the easiest transitions in politics. There is essentially no daylight between being a liberal cable news host and an official for a Democrat administration. That’s a dynamic that never ceases to amaze, given how loudly liberals complain when Republicans end up on Fox News, but I digress.

Psaki has been on a media tour of sorts the last few weeks, and as RedState reported, things got really awkward when she was asked about Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law. And while the original report on this was audio-only, we now have footage of the spectacle.

My goal here is not to dunk on her emotional response. Yes, I think it’s ridiculous to break down over state laws that are seeking to stop the mutilation and sexualization of children, but clearly, Psaki believes every word she’s saying. She truly thinks that it is harmful to not “transition” kids and expose them to gender “theory” in kindergarten, and she’s said as much several times in the past.

Yet, what strikes me the most about this is the last sentence she utters, in which she claims that these are “wedge issues” but are not a “reflection of where the country is.” Now, ask yourself, is that actually true? Have you seen evidence that a majority of Americans are supportive of cutting off the genitals of a teenager and pumping them full of hormones in order to “affirm” their childhood delusions? Delusions, I might add, that are often forced on them by adults seeking to make themselves feel better?

On the contrary, I’ve found that to be an incredibly too-online and niche view of the subject that is much rarer in the general population than it is on social media – and that’s the point regarding Psaki. This is a person who has been completely consumed by the Washington bubble. For another example, here she is admitting that she has never let her child have a playdate at their house.

Keep in mind, these are the people who proclaim themselves your moral betters while demanding you bow to the will of their federal overreach. These are people so deluded that they can’t even assess risk properly, to the point of completely isolating their own children.

What does any of this say about the divide between the elites and normal Americans? Because as I said, Psaki actually believes what she’s saying. She’s just so ensconced in her rich, gentrified, Washington bubble that she can’t even begin to understand how normal people live and think. Yet, it is people like Psaki, so disconnected from reality that they can’t even perceive it anymore, that seek to set the rules in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Wyoming, and a host of other states that have nothing in common with the ruling class.

Where federalism once existed to give people options, one side now seeks to ram its radical agenda down the throats of everyone else via the iron fist of the federal government. We’ve gotten to the point where states that seek to protect children from physical mutilation are now being threatened by the DOJ. Call me a pessimist, but I don’t think any of this is going to end well.