Thursday, April 21, 2022

ConservativesofTikTok Formed To Share Videos Of Conservatives Sharing Sensible Opinions Everyone Agrees With

U.S.—A Twitter account called "ConservativesofTikTok" made its debut over the weekend, racking up thousands of followers and retweets. The account is reportedly a direct response to "LibsofTikTok" which shares content from pink-haired leftists screaming degenerate things into their cameras. The new account instead shares content from normal-looking conservatives sharing sensible opinions pretty much everyone agrees with.

"This conservative says that men are men and women are women" posted @ConservativesofTikTok as it shared a Tik Tok video of a conservative man discussing the alleged differences between men and women.

Another video features a middle class dad mowing his lawn while wearing New Balance sneakers and talking about how low taxes are a good thing.

"ConservativesofTikTok MUST be stopped," said one Leftist while watching a video featuring a stay-at-home mom talking about how teachers shouldn't talk with kindergartners about sex. "If these get out, everyone will find out how normal and sensible conservative opinions are!"

Videos shared by ConservativesofTikTok have been met with a hurricane of rage and righteous indignation. Twitter user @unholybanana666 commented, "i can't believe anyone believes that!! what a DUMMY!!!!111" and user @iamaman said, "what a ****** maybe he should read a ***! I CANT EVEN!!!"

According to sources, conservative users are mostly confused by the account, which they said doesn't show them in a bad light at all.

"Yes, this is what we really believe," posted @fakeDonaldTrump in response to the Twitter account. "Why is this controversial?"

Conservatives have expressed some worry that the account will make them look lame since most videos feature boomer Dads struggling to figure out how to work the camera.