Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Biden Distributing Another $800M to Ukraine, Still Nothing for U.S. Border Crisis

According to multiple media outlets [CNN here – Reuters here] Joe Biden is sending another $800 million in weapons to Ukraine.  This is the third delivery of U.S. military hardware bringing the total weapons deliveries to $3.4 billion since late February.  Congress has allocated $14 billion for the laundry operation, which *may* include authorization for much of this current distribution.

In the last several days the Russian military have been posting on their ground reports, about the capture of many millions in U.S. weapons as the Russian army moves more forcefully and methodically to secure the Eastern Ukraine Donbas region.

While western media talks about an ongoing battle for the Russia-Ukraine city of Mariupol, the reality is the remaining Ukraine regiment in the city is now located in a steel factory where they took civilians to provide cover.  The Russians have given them a deadline to surrender.

At this point Mariupol is a western media talking point, a created Alamo narrative, about to disappear.

(VIA CNN) – The US is prepping another $800 million military assistance package for Ukraine, according to three senior administration officials and two sources familiar with the planning.

Details of the latest package are still being privately discussed and could change, but earlier Tuesday, President Joe Biden said the US plans to send more artillery to Ukraine.

Upon arrival in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Biden was asked by reporters on the tarmac if he plans to send more artillery to Ukraine. Biden told reporters, “Yes,” before boarding his motorcade. (read more)

The logistic problem for the NATO alliance (mostly being run by covert – not so covert – U.S. forces on the ground in Ukraine) is how to get heavy weapons from Western Ukraine to the battleground in Eastern Ukraine, without having them intercepted or destroyed by Russian air forces en route.

The Russians are essentially playing whac-a-mole with U.S. weapons convoys along the route.