Friday, February 18, 2022

X22, On the fringe, and more-Feb 18


For anyone on here today who might be feeling really depressed, or feeling like there's no hope out there, turn those frowns upside down! Things are working out like they are supposed to. There is always a light at the end of a dark tunnel, you just have to look hard enough!

Here is why I do these articles each day: Because I want to bring hope to good folks on here who need encouraging. And to also viciously annoy the liberal trolls on here because of how braindead they are. 😂😂 And this is what I keep doing each day, because there IS a reason to hope for a bright future no matter how bleak it might look.

Here's some wise words today that a good friend of mine posted earlier today:

I suggest you pay attention to them.

Here's tonight's news: