Thursday, February 10, 2022

They Did It Again, Jen Psaki Proactively Frames Media for Today's Inflation Data

Last week the White House did a weird proactive talking point seminar on Monday, preparing the media for official unemployment data which would follow four days later. {Go Deep} Everything about the new econ talking points, added to the press briefing book, indicates the White House knows it’s the economic policy that is the most politically damaging for them.

Today, the same proactive approach to head off negative economic consequences is evident, this time regarding inflation.  Tomorrow, the official Bureau of Labor and Statistics inflation numbers will be released for January and for 2021 in total.  The White House has been again tipped-off.

Watch how Jen Psaki attempts to proactively establish the talking point about the month-over-month rate of inflation change as the important element to focus on.  If you’ve read the previous post, you can clearly see what they are doing now.  Also, this is entirely scripted and coordinated with the press pool to ask a very specific question.  WATCH, prompted:

You only need to watch for a minute or two to see the strings on the marionettes.

It’s also worth noting, the people behind Joe Biden were meeting with energy executives today to work out the terms and conditions for their bribes from the White House to trigger the Green New Deal.  The energy company bribe amounts, known as direct subsidies in the talking points, were being negotiated as Psaki was talking to the press pool.