Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Left’s Moneybag

The way to deal with multibillionaire, arch-bully Soros is to expose his own perverted versions of democracy and capitalism.

George Soros has financed immigrant caravans, abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and most recently, district attorney races in many American cities with radical pro-criminal candidates. But most of all, he is 100 percent into ending Trump and Trumpism—and, with that, any semblance of American greatness.

A “dark money” group that received millions from Soros’ advocacy network was the source of a seven-figure ad blitz urging vulnerable Republicans in swing districts to support the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Soros then dumped tons of cash into purple states, much of it disguised, to ensure Trump’s defeat or the rigging of the 2020 election. Last week his PAC announced a huge $125 million donation to Democratic candidates before this year’s November midterm elections. It was dubbed “a long-term investment.”

In the battle royale between patriots and globalists, between Trump and his myriad of adversaries, one person stands out as the dominant player—against Trump and patriots, everywhere, anywhere, and always.

Tucker Carlson has a new television special about him, “Hungary vs. George Soros: The Fight for Civilization,” and it hits all the low points in the ugly Soros profile and his campaign against his native country which is Christian, nationalist, and pro-family under Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who, not surprisingly, Soros also particularly loathes.

Soros has a net worth of over $8 billion, having donated more than $32 billion to his various radical and leftist political causes. 

The 91-year-old Eastern European oligarch, born György Schwartz and an immigrant to America, is a left-wing billionaire who actually made his fortune blackmailing countries and orchestrating currency panics. He is a force to contend with. He notably settled a notorious case in France on insider stock trading, a crime. Watch Soros brag that the “Trump phenomenon would disappear in 2020” thanks in no small part to his activism and extensive funding. “Clearly,” he says, “I consider the Trump Administration a danger to the world.”

Soros, who is a regular at globalist Davos meetings and backs the “Great Reset,” made his gigantic fortune as a notorious global-macro hedge fund operator.

His flagship, Quantum Fund, is based on very short-term speculation. It does not invest in sound companies, social good, innovation, or environmentalism over the long run. Instead, Soros makes massive, highly leveraged spot bets about the direction of the financial, currency, and capital markets. He uses such blackmail to make his billions.

He is best remembered as the man who “broke the Bank of England” in a short on the British pound in 1992, netting about $2 billion in the process. I would know because as president of the CNN World Economic Development Congress at the time, I had Lady Margaret Thatcher as the keynote speaker. She gave her famous Maastricht speech about the exchange rate mechanism (ERM). This convinced Soros, who was also there, to dump the pound. Later Soros was a prime mover behind the Asian financial crisis and an attack on the Thai Baht in 1997. Governments live in fear of the Hungarian-born, nefarious legend, who repeatedly has caused market chaos to reap huge benefits—for no one but himself.

Isn’t it odd that such a manipulative, selfish, market-driven dark trader would be so socialist and completely globalist in orientation?

Perhaps not.

Over the decades, Soros has poured his riches into a wide assortment of far-Left causes and organizations, most notably centered around his Open Society Foundation, which is anything but what it sounds like. Let me put it this way for the more academically inclined or well read: Karl Popper wouldn’t recognize it.

He is a huge benefactor to Democrats, having given more than $9 million to Hillary Clinton and her super PACs and $28 million to the kookiest Democrats in the last election round alone. But in addition to his outright political manipulation, there are several other less obvious left-wing causes. Here are a handful of Soros’ biggest beneficiaries, all of them on the far Left:

  • American Civil Liberties Union
  • Bill of Rights Defense Committee
  • Brookings Institution
  • Campus Progress
  • Center for American Progress
  • Center for Community Change
  • Center for Economic and Policy Research
  • Color Of Change
  • Constitution Project
  • Democracy Alliance
  • Democracy 21
  • Drum Major Institute
  • Earthjustice
  • European Council on Foreign Relations
  • Free Exchange on Campus
  • Gamaliel Foundation
  • Global Witness
  • Green for All
  • Human Rights Campaign
  • I’lam 
  • Independent Media Center
  • Independent Media Institute
  • Institute for New Economic Thinking
  • International Crisis Group
  • Media Matters for America
  • National Abortion Federation
  • National Organization for Women
  • National Public Radio
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • NewsCorpWatch
  • People Improving Communities Through Organizing
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Project Vote
  • Psychologists for Social Responsibility
  • Tides Foundation and Tides Center
  • U.S. Public Interest Research Group

It is no wonder that Soros is often called “the Godfather of the entire Left.” He is their proverbial moneybag. His fingerprints are everywhere.

Soros is supposedly very pleased to have enemies.

In a recent interview, he related, “I’m very proud of the enemies I have . . . It’s a perfect way to tell a dictator or a would-be dictator if he identifies me as an enemy.”

Convenient logic for an aspiring, if not actual,dictator and illiberal enemy of the people. Yet he counts Donald Trump and MAGA world as Public Enemy No. 1. He will do anything, spend any amount, to stamp them out.

Backing the plan to stop the Brexit campaign in 2016, he was on board with Elizabeth Warren in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, the financier even backed her wealth tax. Now he loudly applauds Joe Biden’s capitulation to the leftist progressives in the Democratic Party and only funds candidates who fit that bill.

But most of all, he is 100 percent into ending Trump and seeing globalism enshrined worldwide. As a proud globalist, Soros wants to end all borders, install international forms of taxation and climate control, cede power to a much more powerful U.N., and see the European Union reach its zenith as an administrative state, ending national cultures and economies.

How should we deal with Soros and the power he has attained? Many say he is beyond governments with a foreign policy and a war chest all his own. He may be untouchable.

In a December 2016 op-ed, Soros argued that Americans voted for Trump, “a con artist and would-be dictator,” because “elected leaders failed to meet voters’ legitimate expectations and aspirations [and] this failure led electorates to become disenchanted with the prevailing versions of democracy and capitalism.” 

Perhaps the way to deal with a multibillionaire arch-bully like the aged Soros requires, exposing his own perverted versions of democracy and capitalism. He is after all what is termed a “vulture capitalist.” 

First, we need to expose all his doings, public and private records, and demonstrate to the world what he thinks, what he funds, and the very illiberal practices of a make-believe cosmopolitan, without morals. 

Next, the world and its various judicial authorities should indict him together (and in individual countries) as the criminal he is. His funds should be frozen, and a warrant issued for his immediate arrest. 

Finally, we need a large U.S.-based but international inquiry instigated by the Congress to detail how Soros and his cronies operate, what effects his ill-gotten money have had, and a marshalling of facts connecting all the dots—from Davos to Hungary to Brazil to all the cities where his bagmen are letting criminals terrorize the public while ignoring the victims. 

Another Nuremberg trial is in order, perhaps the preferred venue should be Budapest. Either that or we outsource it to the Mossad.