Thursday, February 3, 2022

Ottawa Police Chief Opens Possibility of Using Canadian Military to Remove Freedom Convoy Protest Group

Several days ago CTH presented the following meme/metaphor, because history has a tendency to rhyme:

Those who recognize and appreciate history will note that whenever hardline leftism is confronted anywhere in history, there always comes an inflection point when the ruling state police have to make a decision.

When the Chinese communists decided it was time to rid themselves of the dissident protests in Tiananmen Square, the local military encircled the student and academic activists in an effort to protect them (pictured above).  However, the ruling Chinese officials were not happy, and sent for the Mongolian army divisions, those without familial connections in the movement, to do the dirty work.  The rest of history you likely know.

In Ottawa, Canada, again another exhibition of confronting hardline totalitarian leftists, the voices of those within the Freedom Convoy movement are similarly not going to be deterred.  The protestors want the government COVID dictates removed, they want vaccine passport rules dropped, they want mandated vaccinations and forced medical procedures stopped, and they want their freedom back.

Into this equation and confrontation, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and local law enforcement are also unlikely to want to bring blood and violence upon the streets.  However, the hardline leftists will not allow dissent to challenge their power. As history repeats, the local police are now opening the possibility of bringing in the military.

Yes, history is rhyming again.

(CANADA STATE MEDIA) – […] Ottawa’s police chief says policing alone might not solve the ongoing, volatile occupation of the city’s downtown core that has lasted for nearly a week, and military aid might be necessary.

“This is a national issue, not an Ottawa issue,” Ottawa police Chief Peter Sloly said in a briefing to city councillors Wednesday afternoon. 

“I am increasingly concerned there is no policing solution to this.”

Sloly said options being considered include requesting military aid, negotiation, political response, a court injunction or forced removal of protesters. But all approaches come with significant concerns, including rioting, injury and death, he said.

“I don’t have a singular mandate in this city, this province or this country, to negotiate the end to any demonstration. There always needs to be an element outside of the police for any truly successful end to any demonstration, particularly one of this size,” he said. (read more)

Whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau triggers the use of the Canadian military to attack peaceful protestors within the city of Ottawa under the auspices of his authority and the national state of emergency, is yet to be determined.  However, it is important to not let this moment in the discussion go without emphasis.

This looming question of violence is always the outcome when leftism is confronted.

Hardline leftists must impose their policy by force.  There is not a single example throughout history when following socialism, communism, fascism or leftism writ large to its natural conclusion, does not end up with this type of dynamic.  This always happens.

The reason is simple. Leftism is based on the controlling constructs of manipulative people.  The natural forces that guide humanity to seek a life of liberty and freedom are in direct conflict with those constructs.  Leftism is about controlling human behavior, there will always be this conflict so long as people still yearn to be free and unregulated.  The level of oppressive fear needed to create compliance is the only variable in the equation.

It’s hopefully unlikely that Justin Trudeau will order the military to open fire on truckdrivers and their supporters.   However, it is not out of the realm of possibility, because this is the true nature of where communal demand takes us.  The greater good of society always demands the removal of any voice who would stand in opposition to the oppressive regulations.  In a directly connected example, this is why Big Tech must silence the voices of dissidents who challenge the regime.

Moments of great consequence come down to this confrontation.  Generations of people who are born after the violence takes place do not have a reference point for this; that is why history is guaranteed to repeat.

It is only when the younger people see the extent of violence the ruling class will deliver in order to retain power that you see a youthful awakening.  Thus, the quote from Thomas Jefferson, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,” takes on its intended focus.

Conflict, sometimes violent confrontation, is the natural outcome of allowing a slow erosion of liberty to take place.  Accepting this truism is why the wise voices in our history have sounded trumpets whenever examples rise of that erosion.  Taking your shoes off in the airport starts to look a whole lot differently when you realize that eventually that simple act, and the next series of simple acts, are simple steps toward the confrontation that will always, eventually, surface.

The issues in/around COVID-19, and the government responses around it, have replaced the process of slowly eroding liberty with an era of full throttled running directly toward tyranny.

What is happening in Ottawa right now will determine the direction of Canada for generations.

These are the stakes…

(UK Guardian) – […] Officials expect more protesters to arrive in the city over the weekend, and described the situation “volatile”.

Residents have become increasingly frustrated with the blaring truck horns and a number of local businesses have shuttered. The Rideau Centre, a popular mall downtown, announced it would remain closed until 6 February.

“Residents have been abandoned during a national crisis – an occupation of our city,” said city councillor Catherine McKenney, calling on police ask the RCMP for help.

Protesters released a statement on Wednesday, saying they sympathized with residents over the disruption to daily life, but added trucks would only leave once the federal government repealed its public health restrictions, many of which are under provincial and municipal jurisdiction. (read more)

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.