Friday, February 18, 2022

Ottawa Mounted Police Charge Horses Into Crowd, Disabled Elderly Woman Trampled Reportedly Killed

The Ottawa Police used horses to charge into a protesting crowd earlier today.  An elderly disabled woman (identified by red jacket) was standing with her mobility walker as the mounted police charged.  She was crushed by the horses and Fox News journalist Sara Carter {LINK} is reporting she died from her injuries.

Shortly after the police mounted the charge and trampled the crowd, the Ottawa Police claimed via Twitter someone threw a bicycle at one of the horses.  Video of the incident shows it wasn’t a bicycle, and it was not thrown, it was the mobility walker of the deceased victim as she was trampled by the horses.

Video of the events clearly shows the police were the aggressors as they charged into the crowd. The victims can be seen getting pinned between the horses, falling to the ground and then being trampled by the horses. The elderly woman (red jacket) and her mobility walker are in the picture above.

The first video shows the victim with her mobility walker just before the mounted police charged the crowd.

Another angle shows the mounted Ottawa Police charge as it reached the crowd and began trampling the protestors.

Another similar vantage point shows the incident:

Liberals (leftists), in Canada and around Ottawa, are cheering on the police and asking for stronger (more violent) attacks against the protest group.

The Ottawa Police are denying the reports that anyone was injured or killed and sticking by their demonstrably false claim that a bicycle was thrown at them.


If the elderly lady did succumb to her injuries these tweets are horrifically inappropriate and tone deaf.

Let us hope the Sara Carter reports of her being killed are false.