Monday, February 7, 2022

One More Kamala Staffer Flees, as Harris Tries a Reboot and Blows up Another Interview

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The Biden administration is just a mess.

We see Joe Biden, practically every day, rambling incoherently and not doing anything to solve any of the issues with which he is faced. Indeed, when he has done things, he’s made the situation worse, such as at the border, where he removed the things that had been working that President Donald Trump put in place. He also appointed Kamala Harris to address issues at the border —  and that’s only made it worse.

Picking Harris as a second didn’t help Biden at all; indeed, her approval numbers are as dismal as his.

Now this week, yet another Kamala staffer is making for the exits. There have been so many now, I’m almost starting to lose count. According to the NY Post, it’s eight. Kate Childs Graham, Harris’ chief speechwriter, is heading for the door at the end of February.

“People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment. It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s—,” another source told Politico, which cited 22 current and former Harris aides in its report.

The other people who have fled include four other senior staffers — spokesperson Symone Sanders, communications director Ashley Etienne, director of press operations Peter Velz, and Vince Evans, deputy director of the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, amid reports terming Harris a “bully” who attacked the staff with “constant-soul destroying criticism.” They even had one staffer post a creepy, hostage-type picture of how much he loved working for Harris after the staff was encouraged to do so.

But now, just like Biden, Harris thinks the reason she isn’t liked is just an image problem. According to the LA Times, she’s trying to change that, but don’t you dare call it a “reboot” (as she tries to reboot herself yet again). Just like Biden, she appears to think that the problem is that she needs to get out and meet the people more.

Harris and her team are trying to put the vice president in positions to succeed. The plan involves getting her on the road — campaigning and selling policy and representing the administration abroad. Harris has also started doing more national news interviews, though such appearances have not always gone well.

She appeared flustered, for example, last month on the “Today” show, drawing mockery for her response to a question about strategies on combating COVID-19. “It is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day,” she said.

We reported on that mess of a comment earlier in February. But just like Biden, why would you put someone who is constantly gaffing in even more public speaking situations? Plus it isn’t that the American people haven’t seen them enough; the problem is that we have seen them too much. Also, the problem is their actions, or lack of actions, not even just what they say. That’s why their approval is in the toilet.

Let’s look at a recent example of how this “not a reboot” is doing. Harris was asked in an interview about her position that she’s working on the “root causes in Central America” of illegal immigration but so far, the numbers have increased rather than decreased the reporter says. The interview asks her, “What has gone wrong so far?”

Notice she doesn’t even answer the question. She simply says she’s looking at root causes.

But this whole “root causes” answer is just so much nonsense. Like you need to spend a lot of time figuring out why people are coming here from all over the world through the southern border? Even Biden said they’re still trying to figure it out, “I think one of the fundamental things we’ve got to do in addition to some of the changes we’ll make, which we won’t get into it today, is that if we figure out why they’re leaving in the first place.”


They’re coming because we have a great country with opportunities that they don’t have in their own countries. It’s why people have come here from all over the world for more than 200 years. Even if you spent all the time and money in the world, you couldn’t change the problems in all the countries of the world of the people coming. They’re not just coming from Central America.

Plus, they would still come because we are who we are. The only way that you could prevent that would be to change the United States from a free nation into more like the places that they are coming from — destroying freedoms and economic opportunity. So, is that why they are working so hard to stop that here with their policies?

But not only hasn’t Harris been going to the border, she also hasn’t even been on top of the “root causes” thing, as the Guatemalan president revealed. He said he hadn’t heard from Harris since she visited in June 2021.

Now, if you were living in a high crime area, the first thing that you would do is lock your door and make sure your home was secured properly. You wouldn’t sit there talking about the reasons for the crime, while the criminals were walking through your door. You wouldn’t leave the door open.

But that’s what the Biden team did when they came in. They stopped what had been working under Trump and now not only haven’t shut the door, they’re even releasing>/a> illegal alien single adult males into the country, even though they’re supposed to be expelled under Title 42 — not to mention ordinary immigration laws. It’s one of the reasons that half of likely voters want Biden impeached, according to a new Rasmussen poll.

No, the problem for both Biden and Harris isn’t an image problem. It’s that they’re both horrific in their jobs — and Americans know it. It’s hard to change that basic fact.