Monday, February 7, 2022

On Sunday Shows, All GOP Club Members Asked if They Support Mike Pence Remarks

For those who might not have been paying attention, last Friday the RNC Club membership held a discussion at the Federalist Society meeting in Florida.

The Federalist Society is the paid subcontractor of the RNC Club who provide the approved list of judicial nominees that club members are required to support.

Multinational business interests pay the Federalist Society to get their friends on the list, that’s their smaller business model within the club.

The Federalist Society then ranks the names according to the amount provided and the tenured status of the insider individual or group providing the reference. Then the list is passed along to the Club members, political leadership members, who are within the framework of government to install.

Former Republican Vice President Mike Pence and current Republican Governor Ron DeSantis attended the Federalist Society event together at the request of the RNC Club affiliate.   The Club board members requested that Vice President Mike Pence use the opportunity to distance a non-club member, Donald Trump, from the organization.

As a tenured Club member, Mike Pence was happy to oblige the request – create the distance the club requested and create the narrative for Club use over the upcoming weekend, including today.

As a consequence of the planned and orchestrated sequence of insider events, all other tenured Club members were then grilled by the media about whether they agree or disagree with the Club’s opinion of the target, Donald Trump.

One example of the Club objective can be found when Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio appeared on CBS with Margaret Brennan. WATCH:

As the 2022 primary season begins to take shape, it is important to remember that all messaging from the people within the private Club known as the GOP (for selected politicians) or RNC (for membership to support the selected politicians), does not come from some organic coincidence.

Everything we witness as the Club enters their season of greatest business opportunity is all carefully coordinated and presented.

Remember, “artful politics is the purposeful creation of an illusion of options for the audience,” and YOU are the audience.