Thursday, February 3, 2022

New Durham Filing Reveals Russiagate Investigation Has Much More to Come

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

When last we left Special Counsel John Durham, he had indicted Michael Sussmann and Igor Danchenko.

We noted at the time that it seemed he was not finished.

Now, Durham has confirmed, in a recent court filing about discovery, that his investigation of Sussmann is not only ongoing, but the investigation may involve other things regarding Sussman, as well as involving other people.

According to the Washington Times:

Three times in his 19-page submission Mr. Durham tells the judge that his team is conducting an ‘active, ongoing criminal investigation’ not limited to the defendant, former Hillary Clinton campaign legal adviser Michael A. Sussmann.

The voluminous nature of what the government has provided in discovery shows they are looking at things far beyond simply Sussmann allegedly lying. They have over 612,000 pages — some of which have already been turned over in discovery — which shows how extensive their investigation is. Among the things they have acquired is material from the DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and FBI internal affairs files relating to their investigation of the FBI Crossfire Hurricane probe, which relied upon the phony dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. The Durham team also has material that they got from the Clinton campaign.

Durham conducted many interviews, including with 24 FBI agents and a Clinton campaign employee. He’s also had some before the grand jury to testify, including the person identified as “Campaign Lawyer-1” in the Sussmann indictment, reportedly Marc Elias, the former Clinton campaign lawyer.

The filing also revealed a problem with Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The IG had two cellphones from former FBI General Counsel James Baker that he hadn’t previously turned over to Durham, that Durham says he only found out they had this month.

Durham also said he only learned a week ago that Sussmann had a meeting in March 2017 with Horowitz. That raises a lot of questions on why he was not told before about the meeting and the phones — particularly when that might reveal critical information which he might need regarding his prosecution of Sussman.

But the far-ranging and continuing scope of Durham’s investigation is encouraging and indicates he has his eyes on much more to come.