Saturday, February 5, 2022

Michael Avenatti Puts His 2024 Presidential Campaign on Hold, as He's Found Guilty of Defrauding Stormy Daniels of $300,000

streiff reporting for RedState 

Michael Avenatti, fraudster and Trump nemesis, has just been found guilty in federal court in Manhattan of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft in his swindling porn actress and Trump foe Stormy Daniels out of some $300,000 from a book advance.

Avenatti is free on bond as he appeals a 30-month sentence for his role in a scheme to extort $25 million from Nike.

For a while last night, it seemed like Avenatti might get a mistrial, as 11 members of the jury complained that one juror was refusing to even look at the evidence. That problem appears to have rectified itself.

The long fall for a guy who was touted by well-known political talent-spotter Tater as having the potential of being president is far from over. He faces trial in federal court on 10 wire fraud charges for allegedly embezzling nearly $10 million of settlement proceeds from five clients. California has charged him with bankruptcy, bank, and tax fraud.

To be fair, I guess, Avenatti had more fans than Spud-Boy.