Wednesday, February 9, 2022

McConnell States The People Can Never Be Permitted a Voice in Politics, Finds Usefulness in Jan6

Mitch McConnell and his team of UniParty leaders made a strong statement today against anyone who would ever have the audacity to stand in opposition to the upper elite within the United States government.  The timing of McConnell to align with Joe Biden is not coincidental.

First, to the status of the January 6th protestors, DeceptiCon party leader Mitch McConnel affirms the united DC position that all J6 protestors were violent domestic terrorists, carrying out an insurrection attempt, intent on destroying the carefully constructed democracy the DC elites are providing to the people.

Stunningly, the second point was McConnell admonishing the RNC for rejecting Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as members of the Republican Party platform.  McConnell now states the Republican Party should have no input in determining who is supported by the Republican membership. WATCH:

McConnell’s first point about the J6 group only highlights the UniParty alignment with the larger DC interests.  The system of government in the United States, as controlled by political leadership, will not permit any challenge.

Whether it be Democrat Joe Biden, using the executive branch DHS to target dissident voices as terrorists, or whether it be Republican Mitch McConnell, labeling J6 attendees as terrorists, the absolute intent is the same.  DC are the rulers and everyone else is in a position to be ruled.

On the second point of McConnell calling out the RNC for acting against his interests, perhaps the MAGA movement influence in the RNC is more significant than it appears on the surface.

McConnell’s statement would seemingly infer he feels the RNC is less attached to the power structure in DC than he would like.

Previously, Mitch McConnell used the RNC to do exactly what he is now accusing them of doing – providing authentication for the ‘right kind’ of Republican that would be supported.  Now, with the RNC perhaps less aligned with the interests of his totalitarian DC system, McConnell is not pleased to see them involved in candidate authentication and approval.

Last point. For well over a decade, CTH has been pointing out the danger of Mitch McConnell as the traitor inside the gates of the Republic seeking to destroy it for his own personal gain, politics and power.  WE on this site have been standing as a flea looking into the furnace of political hatred for sounding the alarms about McConnell for the entire time of our ‘last refuge’ assembly.

Today, February 8, 2022, almost twelve years to the day when we first gathered to discuss this seemingly insurmountable task of taking on the system that Mitch McConnell represents, there are now multi-millions of people awake to what we have discussed for so many years.

For the fellowship of the tens-of-millions newly wide-eyed and awake patriots, I am very thankful.

Today is a good day.

The tide is in our favor.

Let us make haste toward the goal of removing Mitch McConnell, and pledge to one another that not another coat of distracting paint will be applied to this corrupted DC vessel until we have taken it down to bare metal.

Whatever it takes.