Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Justin Trudeau Sees Mythical Monsters Under His Bed

posted by Jim Thompson at RedState 

Truckers convoyed to Ottawa and Justin Trudeau fled the city to an undisclosed location. The convoy is about authoritarians and ham-fisted mandates. Per the PM, all Canadian truckers must be vaccinated, because the vaccines (we are up to four) will protect everyone from COVID. Trudeau removed his mask, both figuratively and literally, lied about the truckers, conflated a couple of agitators/plants (with their faces completely covered), and then promptly announced he had COVID and went back into hiding.

Nova Scotia announced that supporting free speech and the freedom convey is illegal with $100,000 fines making the point for the protestors. Canadians do not have freedom. They are not free.

In this country, we have a 1st Amendment and free speech. In Canada they don’t.

In this country, we have a 2nd Amendment. In Canada they don’t.

Justin Trudeau is a coward and a liar. Like a little boy believing phantoms lurk under his bed, he’s reduced to making up monsters to justify his authoritarian reign.