Friday, February 4, 2022

Is the White House hoping our enemies are blind?

We are so screwed.

The White House is aware, are they not, that neither Vladimir Putin nor Xi Jinping is blind, right?

I mean, surely they know our enemies can see with their own eyes just what a broken-down old crock Joe Biden is.

How the hell do you project strength on the world stage when this is the guy who is Commander-in-Chief?

Good grief. Look at that man. He can’t even walk from the podium without his wife stepping in to lead him away.

He looks like a child who wandered away from Mommy at the Walmart.

Our enemies can see this, you know. They’re not blind, deaf, and dumb.

And if we can watch Grandpa getting led away by Visiting Angel Jill, they can too.

I just cannot get over the fact that the country elected a 78-year-old man to be President.

Joe’s reached that age when most adult children are deciding it’s time to take away Dad’s car keys. Why on earth did we give him the keys to the White House?

What were voters thinking?

Doesn’t it bother people that next fall, that old goat will be turning 80?

You know why Vladimir Putin began moving troops to the border with Ukraine after January 2021?

Because Putin isn’t blind!

You know why China escalated its excursions into Taiwan’s airspace last year?

Because Xi isn’t blind!

They can see just as well as we can that Grandpa belongs in a nursing home, not the White House.

The Executive Branch is lacking a chief executive.

I know a lot of you think Obama is secretly in charge of the Biden administration. But nobody is in charge. That’s the problem.

Last summer in a column titled “Who the Hell is in Charge?” columnist Kurt Schlichter summed up the lack of cohesion in the Biden White House this way:

Now, the lack of someone in charge is not necessarily bad. The last thing we want is for an intense, vital leader focusing the collection of pinkos, commies, and bizarre mutations that make up the *dministration on achieving its nefarious ends. But what we have here seems to be a patchwork quilt of bureaucrats, politicos, and social media blue checks each pushing individual fetishes instead of their awful agenda as a whole. [emphasis Dianny’s]

I think Kurt hit the nail on the head. And if Kurt can see it, America’s enemies can see it too. Because as much as the White House might wish it was the case, American’s enemies are not blind.

They can see for themselves that the dried-out old husk who frequently gets lost on his way to a point can’t even walk away from the White House podium without the Missus coming to his rescue.