Sunday, February 6, 2022

I See What She Did There....Fox News Host Disses on Joe Rogan

 Sunlit7 op

Friday night episode  of Laura Ingraham had her taking a giant swipe at Joe Rogan. The main stream media feeling threatened by someone who isn't following the driven narrative. They have reason to feel threatened given Rogan show gets eleven million hits a month. Fox News prime time players combined could only wish for such a return. Even if you gave the three of them the courtesy of three hundred thousand viewers every night of the week for a month they still couldn't light a match to that torch. The best they could hope for would be to try diminish that light and that's exactly what Laura attempted to do.

In her opening opinion piece titled "Ingraham Ask: Michelle To The Rescue?" Laura wasted no time at all highlighting a quote Rogan made a few months back when another news channel speculated on a Michelle 2024 run for the presidency. With wording of Rogan having said "If Michelle Obama Runs (against Trump) She Wins" highlighted in the background, Laura gets a can you believe it look on her face, stretches her neck up into the air and proclaims "remember just a few months ago Joe Rogan got into the act" then it trails off into a video clip of Rogan saying in regards to Michelle:

She's great. She's intelligent, she's articulate. She the wife of the best president we've had in our lifetime in terms of representative of intellect, articulate people.

That may come as a shock to those who don't know he said it and have a dislike of the Obama's....but that was the whole point. It's called a hit piece. With Rogan rising in popularity due to his anti-vaccine mandate stance and use of alternative protocols for treating the virus he's a threat to the established quo. It's their job to mislead people and they can't have the likes of Rogan interfering. You can be against vaccine mandates all you like but you can't speak ill of the vaccines, that taboo. You must always promote the vaccines as stopping severe disease, as saving lives, that they are good for you and you should voluntarily take your medicine. You can have Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone or any other distinguished ivy league college professor on your show but they can't diss on the vaccines. That's a big no no.

I can see Fox News feverishly watching every single podcast Rogan ever made in his life desperately looking for anything that will tarnish his image and get people to look at him in a different light. I know that's exactly what they are doing when they have to dig up video from several months ago on a subject that's already been hashed and rehashed to the same conclusion, that being is wild horses couldn't drag Michelle Obama back into the white house. She's already made it perfectly clear she has no interest at all of wanting to become president. Back then things weren't in as bad of a catastrophic state as they are now, if she had no interest then you can pretty much believe she has it cemented in stone now.

Laura may have thought she was clever but clever isn't what people want right now, they want the truth and as long as Joe Rogan and his guest continue to give it to them people will continue to see right through Fox News clever little antics, tuning them out and Joe Rogan in. In matters of life and death it isn't what someone said before it's moving forward working together to help one another not trying to tear people apart. That, Fox News, is why you are losing and Joe Rogan is winning.
