Saturday, February 5, 2022

How far will the left go?


Article by Todd and Erik Gregory in The American Thinker

How far will the left go?

From Jeff Bezos to Joe Biden, noted Sinophiles and racists litter the landscape of the left.  For where there is slavery (China), and racist social division to be sown (America), there is enormous profit to be made.

It is an established fact that leading Democrats are cliché-spewing tools who emote out of the southern end of their alimentary canals and whose neurotic hysteria sets the national agenda.  Yet they have amassed quite a lemminglike following of true believers, progressive foot soldiers who think things have not gone "far enough" in terms of silencing, humiliating, and otherwise eliminating the universal scourge of "whiteness itself." 

Their lust for tribal blood sport coupled with an insatiable sadism, white progressives (Baizuo, in Mandarin) churn bilge from their deep reservoirs of racial obsession, seeking strength in numbers by deliberately fomenting additional racism among America's ethnic minorities in order to bring about the "deconstruction" of white people and America itself.

According to many of society's leading cultural and political figures, white America's racism is institutional and "structural," in the feng shui of the nation — the upholstery, the very plumbing — and is ineradicable.  Unless, it goes without saying, white people themselves are eradicated.

Echoing socialist heroes like George Bernard Shaw, countless white university professors have repeatedly proposed and promoted a proto- if not outright genocide against members of their own race.  And, like Shaw, these genocide-minded Caucasians carved out an exemption for themselves and their progressive fellow travelers on the grounds that, in their telling, they are "anti-racist" (could they be any more Orwellian?) and, thus enlightened, are brimming with unbridled virtue when they advocate for the mass murder of white people. 

The white left's racial fixations and hoaxes dominate the news cycle, as race is injected into all manner of subject matter having nothing whatsoever to do with race.  Yet, from Jeff Zucker to Mark Zuckerberg, progressives couldn't give a whit what conservatives think of them; the celestial beings in the blue jerseys on team (D) don't care when conservatives notice that they are censorious fascists, racists, and moral perverts because conservatives are subhuman vermin to the left. 

The overwhelming majority of interracial crime, daily murders, rapes, armed robberies, carjackings, and generalized mayhem are committed in our bluest cities by people of which political persuasion, governed by people from which political party?  Democrat voters, government bureaucrats, and Democrat politicians dance together in perfectly choreographed harmony to perpetuate the squalor, crime, amorality, nihilism, and indolence that ravage large American cities and shred America's social cohesion.

Somehow, the city-dwellers of Team Blue are able to square the discomfiting cognitive circle by projection, deflecting all blame onto distant ranchers, law-abiding churchgoers (racists! science deniers! members of the patriarchy!), and rural people in red towns and counties far removed from major urban areas.

Many city-dwelling Democrat voters later seek to escape the consequences their progressive policies have wrought by colonizing red states, whereupon they immediately register as (Ds) and seek to replicate the same disastrous social, moral, and fiscal conditions they left behind.  Call it the blue gentrification of red states.

Democrat voters are incapable of basic moral distinctions because most are banal, bigoted, amoral people.  Polls show a large majority of registered Democrats seethe with hatred for conservatives, and that hatred has no limiting principle.  It leads to an open question: how far are progressive voters and their leaders willing to go with their irrational, all-consuming hatred?  Are wood-chippers and Zyklon B in the mix, or do they too not go "far enough"? 

Citing chapter and verse of the Left's voluminous racial hypocrisies is a fool's errand when a somnambulant electorate is distracted by bread and circuses, internet diversions, COVID on the marquee, and the latest media-manufactured red herring.

The sheer daily ubiquity of university quackademics, pop culture celebrities, sports stars, media personalities, corporate CEOs, Big Tech publishers, and Democrat politicians calling for the dismantling (destruction, annihilation, extirpation, incineration, evisceration, erasure, et al.) of "whiteness itself" renders examples utterly superfluous.  All are clever euphemisms for incitement to genocide.

Too unthinkable to contemplate?  Never forget that the left almost always gets what it wants, has a well established track record, and has no limiting principle.


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