Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Enough Already With the Leftist Talking Heads


  "..understand that the leftist media is off my lawn forever."


Article by Mark Ellis in PJMedia

Enough Already With the Leftist Talking Heads

Often, you’ll hear a conservative commentator or cable host say some variation on the following: “We watch the Sunday political (or left-wing cable) shows so you don’t have to.”

They’re assuring their viewers that they and their broadcast teams will monitor the madness, so that regular people who tune into the right side of the dial can go about their lives unsullied by the visages of people like Rachel Maddow, Van Jones, and Nicole Wallace.

It’s one hell of a service they perform. Raise your hand if you could happily live the rest of your life without ever having to look into the soulless, manipulative eyes of Anderson Cooper ever again.

But somebody has to keep an eye on these people, right? I say, let the professionals do it. And then get back to us on a “need to know” basis. Truth be told, there’s not a hell of a lot we need to know from them anymore.

Let’s face it, as recent events with individuals like Jeffery Toobin, Chris Cuomo, and Jeff Zucker have shown, these are bad people to invite into your living room or computer alcove or onto your smartphone. And — citing CNN’s post-Trump ratings slide as exhibit A in the case for permanently tuning the leftist media out, if you have not already done so — why should rank and file conservatives and Republicans ever have to countenance these slimy purveyors of intellectual dishonesty ever again?

They apparently can’t even muster a decent ratings-share-worth of propagandized minds full of mush to sit in front of their inane blathering. When you’re getting beat, badly, by Gomer Pyle, USMC reruns on MeTV, it’s not like you’re substantively impacting the national conversation.

In my younger days, I relished the spectacle of having somebody like Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity highlight in show segments the absolute incomprehensible rubbish that passes for leftist media content. I enjoyed seeing instances where their proven lies were revealed, their hoaxes exposed, their ideologies deconstructed.

I remain a big fan of Media Resource Center founder Brent Bozell. I always enjoyed his reportage — often laced with devastating humor — on the Democrat-coopted left-wing media. But these days, I’m more interested in his new book, an edifying memoir titled Stops Along the Way, than anything MRC might report about the latest mind-numbing example of media mendacity.

I suppose that the younger set — the good-demographic types in their 30’s–50’s — still get a bang out of seeing the worst malefactors, like new CNN hire Chris Wallace, receive a comeuppance via, for example, a devastating Michael Savage lambasting. That is why nightly conservative media coverage of the “mainstream media” will always be with us, whether some of us want it or not. For framing purposes, you have to show offense prior to administering the beat down.

Yes, it is necessary to keep an eye on what the “progressive” hench-men and women are doing and saying. That good, younger demographic still doubtless enjoys it when Brian Stelter is unequivocally shown on a conservative show to be a prevaricating, bought-and-paid-for putz.

I get it. But as I grew into senior citizenship, the bloom came off the rose. I’ve seen too much. I grasp fully (I’m fed up, actually) that the leftist media is in idiot lockstep. It’s so predictable that it’s just not fun anymore. When there is no depth to which an individual like Joy Reid cannot sink, the novelty of outrage and subsequent enjoyment of the ultimate rightist owning is smoothed out and rendered flatlined, like the convolutions in Maxine Water’s brain.

So, while I thank conservatives like Newsmax host Greg Kelly and (in the old days) Fox News media-watcher Joe Concha for their indefatigable scrutiny of what those on the leftist media are doing and saying, they must realize that for a certain, not-inconsiderable portion of their viewership, the inclusion of leftist media talking heads who have egregiously manipulated the national conversation for decades has ceased to be edifying.

It’s like a bonehead Microsoft commercial during a playoff game. It’s like a blood-pressure mini-spike in a Costco parking lot.

Sure, there’s likely a significant number of your viewers who are young enough to get a kick out of watching the latest leftist mouthpiece stick a foot in said mouth.

But you must understand that the leftist media is off my lawn forever. Please know that if you promo an upcoming segment by saying something like, “You’re not going to believe what Don Lemon said today, stay tuned,” I may take that opportunity to start dinner, catch up on my emails, go to the bathroom, or switch over to Gomer Pyle, USMC.




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