Saturday, February 19, 2022

Biden’s upcoming SOTU: I smell a rat

I sense a performative display from Democrats
 during Biden’s SOTU is in the works.

I’m beginning to smell a rat over Biden’s upcoming State of the Union Address.

Maybe it’s because the Democrats always plan performative displays while the cameras are rolling that I suspect they’re planning a big Optics Performance to create the illusion that Biden’s first year in office was a success.

Let me explain.

Yesterday it was reported that the House Sergeant at Arms released a memo saying that, unlike last year, all members of Congress will be allowed to attend Biden’s March 1 State of the Union address in person.

Now, there will be COVID “safety measures” in place, namely a negative COVID test and mandatory N95 masks for everyone in attendance.

When I saw the news on Twitter yesterday, my spider-sense was tingling on all six cylinders and I began to smell a rat.

Admittedly, I generally smell a rat whenever Democrats are involved.

My faith in our federal institutions and the Democrats who run them are so non-existent, it’s hard not to smell a rat with these guys.

So let me tell you what I think is going to happen at Biden’s State of the Union Address.

During his speech, Biden will launch into all the wonderful things he’s done to “shut down the virus.” Then, bursting with pride, he will announce that the CDC is lifting all indoor mask guidelines. The happy Democrats will rise from their seats in unison, rip off their mandatory N95 masks and toss them into the air, cheering the glorious President’s victory over COVID.

Now that you read my theory, I’m guessing some of you are starting to smell a rat too.

If you think I’m crazy, ask yourself this. Why, when Democrat governors around the country are lifting their mask mandates, the Biden administration insists on maintaining the CDC mask guidelines?

Sure, you could say it’s because the Biden administration puts the “mess” in messaging.

But what better time to announce that the “science” has “changed” than during a primetime speech broadcast live on every single network?

Offering up a change in masking guidelines during a press briefing nobody watches won’t have the same optics impact that announcing it during the State of the Union Address.

You know I’m right about that.

If my theory is correct, I guarantee you the clip of the celebrating Democrats throwing off their N95 masks will play on every news outlet non-stop.

Listen, the Biden administration is desperate for a win. Do you think they wouldn’t stage this kind of display?

Of course they would.

Besides, we know how the Democrats love to turn the State of the Union Address into a performative opportunity. Remember when all the black lawmakers showed up at Trump’s 2018 SOTU wearing Kente cloth scarves – you know because Trump is a racist? Or when all the women lawmakers showed up at Trump’s 2019 SOTU wearing white? Or when Nancy Pelosi pre-ripped the pages of Trump’s speech in 2020 so she could performatively rip it up after he finished?

This is what they do.

Do you really think Nancy Pelosi could resist calling all her members and coordinating a staged De-Masking Celebration? Oh, honey. She wouldn’t pass up a chance like that for all the stock sales in the world.

Believe me, if Biden is holding off announcing ending the masking guidelines until his State of the Union Address, every Democrat in Congress already knows about it and is planning accordingly.

Okay, now that you’ve thought about it some more, the rest of you are starting to smell a rat too, aren’t you? That rat stinks to high heaven.

Sure, I might be wrong. I’m not going to say “mark the date” or “this prediction is going to age well.”

It’s only a theory and I know it’s only a theory.

But I also know Democrats. I know them, as Rush used to say, “like every square inch of my glorious, naked body.”

Democrats are all about the optics. Performative drama and showmanship are all they have.

And holding off on ending the CDC masking guidelines until Biden can announce live on every network during primetime is exactly the kind of thing these optics-obsessed Democrats would do.