Friday, February 18, 2022

Biden Sends Kamala Harris to Urgently Secure the Border – No, Not That One

There’s a big problem at the border, and the installed occupant at the White House sends Kamala Harris on an urgent mission to address it.

The unfortunate part is… it’s not the U.S. border crisis, Harris is being sent to secure the Ukraine border.

New York Post – Vice President Kamala Harris set off Thursday on a peace mission to Europe as Russia appeared to accelerate preparations for an invasion of Ukraine — undeterred by her failure to resolve the ongoing US-Mexico border crisis as President Biden’s point person on illegal immigration.

About two hours after Harris departed DC to attend the Munich Security Conference, Biden emerged from the White House and said he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin will launch an invasion of Ukraine “within the next several days.” (read more)

Harris likely to declare, ‘the urgent and severe measures we are prepared to deliver, are the consequences of urgent preparations we have made for severe measures of great urgency, consequence and preparation,’ or something.

Before departing to save the world from thermonuclear war, Kamala Harris explained the internet to an audience during remarks at the White House.

“Comrades, that does it. UNCLE! … Invasion cancelled.”