Saturday, February 19, 2022

Biden Lackey Won't 'Confirm or Not Confirm' What Joe's Been Doing for Last Four Days as Ukraine Invasion Looms

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Unbelievable. And not in the least.

A Biden spokesperson on Thursday refused to “confirm or not confirm” what the president of the United States — AKA: “The most powerful man in the world” (please) — has been doing for the last four days.

This, mind you, as Cackles Kamala Harris, no doubt still aglow from her spectacular success [ahem] in resolving the Biden Border Crisis™, set off on Thursday on a “peace mission” to Europe, as Russia appeared to accelerate preparations for an invasion, as reported by the New York Post.

Here’s how the short Q&A with the lackey went down:


Monday you were able to tell us that he hadn’t interviewed [potential Supreme Court nominees] anyone then.

Lackey: (Biden Spox Karine Jean-Pierre):

[Untintelligable] what he was doing over the weekend and I was able to—


So he’s not been working for four days or what’s going on?


I just don’t have anything to share, or, uh, to confirm or not confirm on this. Again, this is something— he’s reviewing materials—


Do we deserve to know what the president’s doing?

Lackey (now irritated):

I think the president will know when he makes his selection and how he came to that process and once he has selected that person.

#ProTip for the lackey: I’m pretty sure the (honest) press is more concerned about your inept boss’ thoughts about Ukraine right now than SCOTUS, but I could be wrong.

Speaking of which, Biden has no plans to talk with Putin “as we speak.”

Imagine, for a nanosecond, the histrionics amongst the “journalists” of “The Most Trusted Name in News™” (CNN) and PMSNBC if this were a TRUMP spokesperson. Oh, the humanity! As the world was about to slide into the abyss, and Donald was derelict in his duties!

Meanwhile, here’s Barney Fife Joe on Wednesday talking about how the United States will “respond decisively” to a Russian invasion of Ukraine — after it happens.

Not to nitpick, but Team Biden has been “weighing sanctions” against Putin’s Russia since at least early December. And as reported in late January, in an article titled Russia Warns Ukraine ‘Countdown Is Underway,’ Blinken Shows Why Biden Is in Another Foreign Policy Mess, the most inept Secretary of State in recent memory — Antony Blinken — actually said the following (emphasis, mine):

When it comes to sanctions, the purpose of those sanctions is to deter Russian aggression. So if they’re triggered now, you lose the deterrent effect. [Huh?]

All of the things that we’re doing, including building up in a united way with Europe (ROFL emoji], massive consequences for Russia [Please], is designed to factor into President Putin’s calculus [Vlad apparently skipped calculus class] and to deter and dissuade them from taking aggressive action, even as we pursue diplomacy at the same time.

[And how’d that “diplomacy” work out, Tony?]

Three words: What. The. Hell?

The bottom line:

Listen, unlike Afghanistan, in which hapless Joe Biden held every key to how that debacle played out — and he purposely blew it — there has been and remains only so much the woefully inept Biden regime could and can do in respect Russia and Ukraine. That said, dismissing the imposition of tough sanctions on Russia — when there was adequate time to do it — vs. failing to pull the trigger because “you lose the deterrent effect”? What is that? Other than gross incompetence, I mean?

Everything Joe Biden and his pathetic administration have touched from Day One of this guy’s occupation of the Oval Office has been a total disaster, from the Biden Border Crisis™ to the Biden Oil Crisis™ to the Biden Afghanistan Debacle™ to the Biden Supply Chain Crisis™ to Bidenomics™ and Bidenflation™ to the woefully failed joke that is Kamala Harris — who waits in the wings.

And we’re only 13 months into the disaster.