Thursday, February 3, 2022

At Least President Biden Still Has Some Support /s

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

President Joe Biden has not had much to be happy about over the past six months. Since he put his incompetence on full display for the world to see during his botched Afghanistan withdrawal last year, his approval ratings have been going the way of the Titanic. Poll after poll shows that Americans have soured on the Biden presidency. Even with the activist media constantly running interference for the chief executive, he cannot manage to win back the support he once had.

However, a recent Gallup study revealed that perhaps all is not lost for the beleaguered president. There are at least some people in the United States who think Uncle Joe is doing a wonderful job in the White House. The survey showed about 17 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction. From Gallup:

The current 17% national satisfaction reading is the lowest of Joe Biden’s first year in office and coincides with his lowest job approval rating, 18% congressional job approval, sagging economic confidence and the expectation that inflation will rise in the coming months.

Only four percent of participants indicated they were “very satisfied” with the direction of the country, while 13 percent said they were “somewhat satisfied.” However, the majority of respondents reported being “very dissatisfied” with the direction of the country under Biden. Even more telling is that only 30 percent of Democrats were satisfied with the country’s trajectory.

It is also worth noting that despite being dissatisfied with the direction of the country, the overwhelming majority of respondents indicated they were personally satisfied with their lives. So, Biden hasn’t yet messed up enough to affect people’s personal lives, apparently.

But in all seriousness, this poll is one of the most damning that have been released while Biden has occupied the White House. Not even a quarter of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction under this president — and it is not hard to figure out why.

Between the multitude of failures President Biden has had, and the fact that most people can see he has obvious cognitive issues, it is not exactly shocking that the vast majority of Americans would be concerned about where America is going under his leadership.

It is also worth pointing out that perceptions of Vice President Kamala Harris might also contribute to American attitudes on the country’s direction. Being only a heartbeat away from the presidency, the fact that she has also shown herself to be inept would be a cause for worry.

Even while having full control of the White House and Congress, Democrats have been unable to accomplish much. Voters are seeing the incompetence and will likely hand the House back to the Republicans, hoping they will be able to prevent Democrats from fouling things up even worse. The question is: Will the GOP actually have an agenda this time? Or will we get more of the same?