Tuesday, January 25, 2022

White House Will Not Answer the Only Question That Matters About Ukraine and NATO

There is really only one question that matters at the heart of the U.S. position toward Ukraine and NATO.  It was asked halfway through the press conference with Jennifer Psaki today.

“Considering that NATO allies have not held up their own agreement to spend 2 percent of their own GDP on their military preparedness … if Europeans are not willing to expend their own blood and treasure on their own self-defense why should Americans be expected to do so?” 

Spoiler Alert… The White House could not answer the question.  Jen Psaki hemmed, hawed, and attempted to use verbal linguistics to assemble previously over-used soundbites, but she could not -and did not- answer that question.  WATCH:

‘Nuf said.

The honest answer would be…  We, in the Biden and Obama administration, are doing all this stuff in Ukraine, for Ukraine and under the auspices of protecting Ukraine, because a whole bunch of us from both political parties in/around the DC beltway – along with our families – receive massive amounts of personal financial wealth from the DC money laundering operation of foreign aid money in/around Ukraine.

That’s the real answer, and the reason Psaki cannot reconcile the easiest question publicly.   The NATO members also know that American politicians enrich themselves and their families through the laundry of foreign aid to their own bank accounts.