Tuesday, January 25, 2022

WATCH: MSNBC Host Tells the Left to 'Pick up a Weapon and Get Involved' in the 'War' for Democracy

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Imagine for a nanosecond the hysterical histrionics if Fox News host Tucker Carlson told conservatives to pick up a weapon and fight for the safety of America in the war against democracy [the left].

Protests in the streets outside Fox News headquarters calling for the immediate firing of Carlson and a boycott against the network would be all but assured the moment the words left Tucker’s lips.

Yet that’s exactly what an MSNBC host on Saturday told left-wingers to do.

During a segment with Jasmine Crockett, a Democrat state lawmaker and congressional candidate from Texas, Tiffany Cross, host of “The Cross Connection,” went off on Donald Trump’s concocted interference in the 2020 presidential election, bigly.

As reported by the Washington Examiner, in a perfect “Pot, meet kettle” moment, Cross and Crockett hilariously — but very ominously, of course — talked about the best way(s) to prevent conservatives from meddling in future elections.

Here’s how Cross kicked off the festivities, as transcribed the Examiner:

How do we as a country protect this democracy when these folks don’t like the outcome of the next election, and Jasmine, you know, you’re running for Congress in Texas where this is a problem, where they have partisan poll watchers, an open carry state.

It’s a very fragile situation that we’re in right now. [Here comes the big fat softball right down the middle of the plate.] What’s your message to the people that you’re running to represent? And what’s your message to our viewers today?

After asserting that Black women must continue fighting the “war” against those who refuse to comply with radical left-wing policies, Crockett continued to beat the “war” drums:

So there’s a bigger story that I think is brewing, and that is that black women have consistently fought for our democracy on every single level.

We can’t let up. If we say we’ve been defeated, then they have won. This is a war. This isn’t a battle, and we absolutely will win this war.

“Shockingly,” Cross was in total agreement (emphasis, mine):

It is indeed a war. And I have to say, they have won some battles, Jasmine, but we have to keep our eye on the war. And everybody needs to pick up a weapon and get involved because this is for the safety and lasting of the country.

Welp, that escalated, quickly.

As noted by the Examiner, Cross’s supporters later claimed she was speaking “metaphorically.”

OK, fine. Lemme revise my opening comment:

Imagine for a nanosecond the hysterical histrionics if Fox News host Tucker Carlson metaphorically told conservatives to pick up a weapon and fight for the safety of America in the war against democracy [the left]. There, liberals. Just like Tiffany Cross. Better? No.

So what would happen if Tucker said it “metaphorically”? Exactly what I said would happen at the top.

Do I think Cross literally instructed the left to grab the nearest firearm — preferably a “weapon of war” — take to the streets, and fight the evil right over the very safety of our democracy? No, I don’t.

But this is yet another perfect example of left-wingers getting a pass, every time they say something outlandish that a conservative would be destroyed for saying.

Moreover, it’s the left that gives itself the pass. Every hypocritical time.