Sunday, January 16, 2022

WATCH: Dr. Robert Malone vs Alex Berenson

I saw this last night and was actually a little taken back in the exchange.  For some unknown reason (though I have suspicions), instead of Alex Berenson using his time on Fox News to confront the malicious and fraudulent manipulation of medical science, he decided to attack the credibility of Dr. Robert Malone.

There could be nefarious motives for this; however, the Occam’s Razor perspective is simply that Alex Berenson carries a thin-skinned trait of social awkwardness and is unaware how his engagements with people can be off-putting.  You decide.  WATCH:

Dr. Robert Malone expanded on his opinion of Berenson via Substack:

“Unprofessional, rude and an arsehole to boot. But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.”