Sunday, January 23, 2022

Was January 6 the Deep State’s Moscow Moment?

It is the American version of Putin’s Chechen apartment bombing.

In 1999, Vladimir Putin rode to fame and glory on the bombings of a Moscow apartment complex by supposed dastardly Chechen rebels. As a wave of fear swept over Russia, he achieved almost overnight popularity and was elected president easily. Twenty-three years later he is, effectively, dictator for life. Really quite the accomplishment, when you think about it.

Especially considering the fact he and his own deep state buddies most likely blew the buildings up themselves—killing 300 and maiming over 1,000 innocent citizens—in a very successful attempt to parlay this terrible “terrorist attack” and “tragedy” into power for themselves.

For anyone who cares to look, the January 6 “insurrection” is our own apartment bombing. The strategic decisions that led to the results of that day seem designed to ensure a predetermined outcome. State-supported agitators appear to have planned and directed the show as unknowing dupes did exactly as hoped.

Then followed the obviously planned and coordinated messaging about an attempted coup. An insurrection! The Big Lie! This was—and remains—an all-out marketing campaign to ensure only the correct thoughts are advanced. January 6 was a set-up from beginning to end.

Which leads to the ultimate goal: forever power; just like our old pal Vlad.

The slogans are eerily similar: You must be fearful! Democracy itself is at risk unless you give us more power! Permanently transferring power to us is the only way to save you from those stinking Chechen terrorists . . . er, from Trump and his legions of darkness. The only way to save our country—and your lives—is to give us more power. January 6 shows you the levels to which these “terrorists” will sink. We are your only buttress—your only savior—against these forces of darkness.

Putin directed and rode his self-created wave of fear to the position of dictator for life. In this country far too many dupes—some willing, some not—seem to be willing to do the same for the Democratic Party and their true boss, the deep state.

Our freedom is at risk, but never forget from whom. 

So yes, let us never forget January 6, and let us work tirelessly so every generation knows it, too. 

January 6, by all appearances, was the United States’ version of the Moscow apartment bombings. Let us work hard to ensure it is not successful and is never forgotten.