Friday, January 14, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard Calls out Government Negligence in COVID Early Treatment: 'They Either Don’t Care or Are Inept'

Jennifer Oliver O'Connell reporting for RedState 

In Dementia Joe’s push for Big Pharma COVID vaccinations, the FDA granted emergency use authorization for the Pfizer COVID pill, Paxlovid. That was just before Christmas, yet the pill is still not widely available for use.

Former Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard took to Twitter to call out this lack of action on the part of the government. In 2020, President Donald J. Trump used the Defense Production Act to increase production of PPE and other medical supplies needed to fight the pandemic. So why is Biden not doing the same concerning this early treatment?


But, muh boosters… which don’t even work on the latest variantOmicron, by the way.

That’s straight from the horse’s mouth—Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. But he wants you to know his company is coming to the rescue with a new vaccine that may, or may not, target Omicron.

He discussed all of this with CNBC:

Bourla said the vaccine will also target the other variants that are circulating. He said it is still not clear whether or not an omicron vaccine is needed or how it would be used, but Pfizer will have some doses ready since some countries want it ready as soon as possible.

“The hope is that we will achieve something that will have way, way better protection particularly against infections, because the protection against the hospitalizations and the severe disease — it is reasonable right now, with the current vaccines as long as you are having let’s say the third dose,” Bourla said.

But Gabbard brought attention to Paxlovid to make a more pronounced point: The failure and doublespeak from officials, both “health” and elected, who are supposed to be solving the issue of this virus. Instead of being about saving lives, they are about pushing an agenda.

“Our leaders and bureaucrats continue to fail the American people,” Gabbard said.

No kidding.

Steve Kirsch, a retired tech entrepreneur, has been sounding the alarm on this for almost two years. Kirsch spoke at the January 2021 Reopen California Now conference near Sacramento, during the thick of the pandemic response and Governor Gavin Newsom’s draconian and ridiculous lockdowns.

At that conference, which RedState covered, Kirsch talked about early treatment and therapeutics. Something that no one in the federal government or the CDC/NIH was discussing. Dr. George Fareed was also at the conference and spoke extensively about his methods and how they were saving lives. Fareed practices in the Inland Empire, and he and his partner Dr. Brian Tyson were already successfully treating COVID patients. The key: early treatment, and certain therapeutics that the CDC and the NIH refused to acknowledge, or downplayed.

In his address to the conference, and in our interview, Dr. Fareed used a phrase that I will not soon forget: “The Circle of Empathy.” Dr. Fareed’s passion to save lives, his warmth, and sadness over the 375,000 deaths from the virus—many that could have potentially been saved—puts him squarely in the middle of that circle. Sadly, many of the health bureaucrats and government officials are nowhere near it, and therein lies our problem in combatting COVID-19.

Fareed and Tyson have since written a book about the success of their treatment methods: Overcoming the COVID Darkness. This is one ray of light in what has been gross darkness surrounding COVID-19 and the death and destruction caused by our bureaucratic and government response to it.

Here is my interview from last year with Dr. Fareed at the Reopen California Now conference:


Our government is still suppressing early treatment and therapeutics. Look at the battle Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is waging against the Biden administration over Monoclonal antibody treatment. Lots of government money and advocacy over vaccines and boosters, while ignoring early treatment and therapeutics. In other words, still allowing innocent people to die unnecessarily.

But hey, go out and get boosted!

Circle of empathy, indeed.

In 2021, Kirsch was very vocal about the government’s negligence in their failure to promote life-saving treatments and therapeutics. In a post that brought attention to Drs. Fareed and Tyson’s book, Kirsch called out the CDC and NIH for blatantly ignoring this information.

The entire pandemic response was unnecessary: COVID is very treatable if treated early

“This book shows that we’ve known about effective treatments since March 2020.

“Had the CDC publicized such treatments, it would have made the entire pandemic response completely unnecessary: lockdowns, vaccines, mandates, masking, business closures, etc. Everyone would have gotten natural immunity and the pandemic would have ended with virtually no deaths.

“Tyson and Freed tried contacting the FDA, CDC, and NIH, but nobody would talk to them or return their calls. The same is true today. They are just “too busy” to talk to them. Keeping patients out of the hospital and morgue is not a priority for them.

“The same is true of the mainstream media. The NY Times refused to run op-eds about early treatments and CNN said that they were too busy covering the vaccines and people dying from COVID that they didn’t have the resources to talk about early treatment protocol that would have prevented everything.

“Instead of promoting early treatment using repurposed drugs, the CDC instructed people to just stay home and do nothing until they were so sick that they had to go to the hospital. Even after drugs in the Tyson/Fareed protocol like ivermectin and fluvoxamine have been proven time and time again to work in clinical trials and, in the case of ivermectin, published in systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the NIH still fails to acknowledge them rating them NEUTRAL. This means that most doctors will not use them.”

At the end of her video, Gabbard was necessarily blunt in her words:

“The blood of those who are suffering and dying is on the hands of our leaders,” she said.

When will they be held accountable?