Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Single-Mindedness of the Democratic Party

If Democrats can get their way legislatively within the next few months, they may do better than expected in November.

The Greek historian Polybius begins his history of the Punic Wars by explaining that Rome “from the beginning” was driven by a single purpose (prothesis). This was nothing less than the extension of Roman domination over much of the world. In a similar way, the Democratic Party seems motivated by a single aim, which, as far as I can tell, is the establishment of a one-party dictatorship. The current (in name only) chief executive, as well as Democratic congressmen, have become expendable in advancing this clearly defined goal. Indeed, Democratic politicians even seem willing in some cases to sacrifice their careers to assist their party’s drive for power. 

For example, keeping the southern border open for the benefit of illegals, who can eventually be turned into Democratic voters, is negatively impacting Biden’s poll numbers. His approval rating on this issue sank by July to 33 percentBut the Democratic president has held to this course despite the lack of popular approval.  Americans are also souring on Build Back Better because of its likely inflationary effects. But this bill does have the advantages of bestowing on illegals $8.2 billion in gifts. Once these illegals are made into citizens (courtesy of the Democratic Party), they can then help keep Biden’s party perpetually in office. Needless to say, BBB’s passage will hurt Democratic congressmen trying to get reelected in red states. But that may be a small price to pay for expanding the party’s base.

Another Democratic fixation, federalizing elections so that voter identification can be eliminated while vote harvesting is perpetuated, does not elicit support from most Americans. To make matters worse, the Democrats are trying to pass HR 1 while the popularity of the president and vice president continues to plummet. But the electoral benefits that will accrue to the party in the long term by holding elections without state control, particularly in red states, may outweigh its sinking short-term popularity. Vice President Harris desperately asserted in an interview on December 26 that other Western countries view American democracy as defective because we keep people from voting. What Harris meant by “voters’ rights inaction” is that Republicans still insist on voter identification, which is a long-standing rule almost everywhere else in the Western world.

Another generally unpopular Democratic plan is eliminating the Senate filibuster, an effort against which two relatively moderate Democratic Senators, from West Virginia and Arizona, remain standing in opposition. If the filibuster can be removed, then Democrats might pass HR1 and go on to grant statehood to the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The availability of these predictably Democratic states would permit Democrats to hold a permanent majority in the Senate. Moreover, since Schumer’s sheep almost always vote as a bloc, Democrats should be able to pass and implement what they want, with the approval of their media cheering gallery and the overwhelmingly Democratic federal bureaucracy. 

Professor John Kenneth White of the Catholic University of America Law School seems actually annoyed that Democrats are doing so little to take forever control of the government. They should be thinking more boldly. Apparently, the Electoral College must also go, as a remnant of a less enlightened past:

It won’t be enough merely to reform the filibuster, add more justices to the Supreme Court, change presidents or surrender presidential powers to Congress. A document written in 1787 is inadequate for the 21st century. The Electoral College is poised to create more misfires, with popular vote winners not becoming president, as has happened twice already this century. Territorial expansion has resulted in 16 percent of the U.S. population controlling half the seats in the U.S. Senate.

Another aspect of this plan for a Democratic takeover is focusing on the “tumult” of the Trump years in contrast to the tranquility of the Biden presidency. In response to a question on Fox News about what she valued about the current administration, Susan Page of USA Today stressed how important for Americans ending the “tumult” of the Republican administration has been. In addition, Page has written about her distaste for the “tumult” of the Trump years. Please note that Page’s decidedly leftist paper did everything imaginable to feed the anti-Trump frenzy that supposedly went away last January. From pushing narratives about the Trump-Russian collusion to playing up the “insurrection” on January 6, USA Today worked persistently to besmirch the Trump Administration. The same treatment will no doubt be meted out to other “right wing” presidents our media elites decide to bring down. These news experts will help make sure that the Democrats dominate national politics until the end times—and possibly beyond. 

If Democrats can get their way legislatively within the next few months, they may do better than expected in November. But it should be possible for them, even without legislative successes, to muddle through a bad year. If the administration and media can go on whipping up pandemic hysteria, they may cite this to justify vote harvesting and other electoral tricks. After all, their party is trying to protect us against disease as well as white supremacists.