Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Sign of End-Stage Trump Derangement Syndrome: Pelosi Now Expected to 'Step Down Next Year'

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Nancy, we hardly knew ye.

Just kidding. We knew you better than you knew your arrogant, stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome, hypocritical self. You were hopelessly obsessed with Donald Trump from at least the moment he and Melania rode down that Trump Tower escalator on June 16, 2015, to announce Donald’s candidacy.

How can I say this, Nance?

Don’t let the door hit cha. Without you, the House of Representatives will never be the same.

The semiannual Pelosi deathwatch — congressionally speaking, of course — has been in a thing for several congressional terms, with Pelosi, in cockroach-like fashion, steadfastly refusing to “die.”

Now, reports suggest Pelosi will finally “step down next year,” at the end of the 117th United States Congress.

As reported by Daily Mail, Pelosi is expected to step down in January 2023 after nearly two decades in Democratic leadership, with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries the odds-on favorite to lead House Democrats.

The news comes as a bit of a surprise, given that Pelosi as late as mid-December vowed to run for reelection, despite a previous pledge to step down, next year, raising the musical question: what the hell is going on here?

While it doesn’t take a proverbial rocket scientist to understand the current state of the Democrat Party, the House Democratic Caucus, and the disastrous Biden presidency, the thought of Pelosi throwing in the towel is antithetical to everything we’ve seen from the Speaker we’ve come to know and loathe.

Here’s more, via Daily Mail:

While Jeffries, N.Y., chair of the House Democratic Caucus, is the favorite, the debate over who will succeed Pelosi, Calif., could lay to bare the deep divide between progressives and moderates.

Future leaders of the party could differ in their ideas for how to counter the GOP, as they brace for the possibility of serious losses in the midterm elections.

While interviews with more than two dozen Democrats made clear that Pelosi maintains the respect of those she leads, many members expressed a desire to move beyond the octogenarian leadership comprised of Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Md., and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, S.C.

Incidentally, the combined ages of these three stooges tops off at 244.

Insufferable Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Congression Progressive Caucus, said she wants “more decentralized leadership.” Is it any wonder? Remember this “greatest hit”?

Jayapal’s reference to “more-decentralized leadership” was as hilarious as it was a lie.

I think there was a ‘holding of power’ model that worked very well for a long time, and I think now it is more about a recognition of different centers of focus within the Democratic caucus that have to be brought in and brought together. It takes some acceptance of more-decentralized leadership.

“More decentralized leadership.” Ain’t that something? If memory serves me, that’s pretty much what socialists-turned-communists-turned-totalitarian-dictators have said for nearly 175 years — from Karl Marx to Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, and on and on.

While I’m not suggesting (maybe) that the likes of Pramila Jayapal, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and other far-left loons are calling for full-blown Soviet-style totalitarianism, I am suggesting they are hellbent on destroying America as we know it and they will not stop.

Having said as much, I’m pretty sure that in the end, Pelosi was given an “either-or.” Who’d a thunk it? Particularly given the last almost six TDS-riddled years?

Similarly, noted Daily Mail, Illinois Rep. Brad Schneider — a so-called “moderate” in today’s age of admitted socialists and rabid left-wingers in the Democrat Party — said he wants to see a leader “who can pull the party together” like Pelosi.

I want to make sure that it is someone who can pull the party together. As Pelosi says: ‘Our diversity is our strength, and unity is our power.’ I want to make sure it’s someone who can hold that unity.

To be fair, Jeffries has clapped back at the party’s rabid left, telling The New York Times in August:

The extreme left is obsessed with talking trash about mainstream Democrats on Twitter, when the majority of the electorate constitutes mainstream Democrats [who are better, how?] at the polls.

In the post-Trump era, the anti-establishment line of attack is lame — when President Biden and Democratic legislators are delivering millions of good-paying jobs, the fastest-growing economy in 40 years, and a massive child tax cut.

In other words, typical Democrat. As my RedState colleague streiff asked, early last year, Is Hakeem Jeffries a Raving Lunatic or Is He Just Mad Because Someone Peed in His Office?

New York Representative Hakeem Jeffries is the House Democrat Caucus leader. He’s a hardcore progressive and an ardent race-baiter. In short, Jeffries represents the Democrat caucus politically, and he’s not some loudmouth trying to make a career off social media postings.

By any standard, this is just batsh** crazy. There were no “enemy combatants” involved in the demonstration in the US Capitol than there were involved in sacking businesses across the country over a period of months this summer.


The same guy who encouraged riots and mayhem all summer in an open attempt to destabilize governments […] is now upset because a small number of people interrupted a vote that was completed the same day it was scheduled.

Streiff goes on to detail “batsh** crazy” after “batsh** crazy” example of far-left lunacy of the likely next Democrat Congressional Leader.

Yes, America. And now you know.