Saturday, January 22, 2022

On the Left’s ‘Our Democracy™’

The Left’s “Our Democracy™” isn’t one.

The growing boldness of the “Our Democracy™”-spouting Left is displacing its previous preference for lurking in the shadows to subvert the foundations of American comity and unity. 

For decades, left-wing indoctrination of school children on race and gender continued stealthily until it finally boiled over into the public consciousness, which decidedly rejected this usurpation of parental rights and abuse of educators’ privilege to instruct other people’s children. Per the Left’s subversive playbook, at first the practitioners of this indoctrination denied it was happening. As an insulted public’s outrage turned into sarcastic disdain and, most importantly, electoral remedies targeted against these taxpayer-funded indoctrinators, the Left played the victim, dropped all pretense, and proclaimed any opposition to their ideological proselytizing was racist, homophobic, etc. Last year’s election in Virginia has failed to disabuse them of the merit of this line of attack.

But, as the Left’s policies continue to fail abysmally and their targets for psychological projection and misplaced blame diminish, Democrats are increasingly and brazenly proclaiming their hypocritically autocratic lunacy in a host of other areas. 

Most notably, but not exclusively, we note the Democrats’ continued weaponization of the federal government’s police and surveillance powers against those who dissent from the Left’s hideous ideology. Recently, according to White House occupant Joe Biden and his surrogates, those Americans who are not in lockstep with them are domestic enemies and/or terrorists. Leftist indoctrination is being instilled and dissenting views are being purged from the military, despite its long and well-justified history of being apolitical. And, most visibly of all, the administrations’ draconian and failed COVID-19 mandates attempt to force the unvaccinated into second-class citizenship—or worse.

On these and a host of other issues, the Left’s weaponization of the language through its deconstruction and debasement continues, soft-pedaling those aims it knows will meet stiff public resistance if openly espoused. Remember when this administration said there was no supply chain issue, and then falsely claimed to have solved it? And, of course, who could forget the hoary canard that inflation is good news for you and the economy? (Certainly, it is not the midterm voters.) 

But, as noted above, these instances are becoming increasingly rare as the Democrats’ majority—without the shield of Trump-hatred obfuscating their corrosive agenda—is on full, harmful, public display on issues ranging from Afghanistan to illegal immigration. Indeed, on the latter issue, we see leftist governors dropping all pretense and proclaiming their aims as unassailable by all but the most racist, xenophobic domestic terrorists. Consider these two items, courtesy of Fox News:

California Governor Gavin Newsom, emboldened by his triumph over a quixotic recall effort, announced his proposal for his state to provide “universal health care for all low-income residents of his state, including illegal immigrants.” 

In New York, late last year the city council approved allowing 800,00 non-citizens to vote in municipal elections: “The measure, which would affect green card holders and those with work authorizations, doesn’t include state or federal elections and people in the country illegally would not be allowed to vote.”

Taken together, the measures constitute one more step in the Left’s long march toward the eradication of what remains of the rights and privileges of American citizenship.

And toward what end? 

Despite the recent statements and steps by Biden’s miasmatic administration, Newsom in California, and the New York City government, a true definition of their notion of “Our Democracy™” remains elusive. 

How does the Left’s “Our Democracy™”—indeed, any country—exist and endure when there is no meaningful (or any) distinction between citizens and non-citizens? Will the Left reveal what in their “Our Democracy™” would constitute their ideal civic construct between citizens and non-citizens? We do know, however, that in the Left’s pimping for “Our Democracy™” the one concrete constant is the primacy of the state over its subservient subjects—be they once-sovereign citizens or otherwise.

Consequently, while the Left may be compelled to admit the existence of many of its less than popular subversions of American governance and culture, we are likely never to get an honest, comprehensive definition of the Left’s “Our Democracy™”—at least not until it’s too late. This is not only because it would require the Left to transcend their bumper sticker mentality and peek out at real-life from inside their onanistic ivory tower coffee claques (COVID passports and masks mandatory). And it is not only because it would be political suicide. It is not only because it would shatter their self-delusion of superiority or because such honesty is beyond them. 

It is because the Left’s “Our Democracy™” isn’t one.