Monday, January 24, 2022

Obama-Biden State Dept Orders Diplomats and Families to Leave Ukraine Ahead of U.S. Conflict with Russia

For those who think the conflict is not being orchestrated by the Obama-Biden administration, consider this.  European countries and our NATO allies are not as worried about Russia entering Ukraine.

The people closest to the situation including France and Germany, are not asking for the U.S. to get involved.  Indeed, you can make the argument based on their public statements, that European NATO countries are not that concerned.  Even Chuck Todd (NBC) sees this.

It is the Obama-Biden foreign policy team that is creating anxiety over the potential for Russia to enter Ukraine, not our NATO allies. If we end up in a conflict in Ukraine, it will be because the professional political class in Washington DC want us to be in a conflict in Ukraine, not the American people.

Russian President Vladimir Putin can easily see this dynamic.

(Via ABC) – The State Department ordered diplomats’ families Sunday afternoon to depart the U.S. embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, amid heightened fears of a Russian attack on the country.  The embassy has also authorized non-emergency employees to depart, according to an internal cable obtained by ABC News.

In an updated travel advisory issued later Sunday, the State Department confirmed the drawdown and urged U.S. citizens in Ukraine to consider departing the country now using commercial flights.

[…] “These are prudent precautions that in no way undermine our support for, our commitment to Ukraine,” a senior State Department official said Sunday. The department made the decision now “based on this military buildup, based on how we see these developments,” they added, calling it the “right moment.” (read more)

The professional political class in Washington DC, both wings of the UniParty with personal financial relationships with Ukraine, seem to want conflict with Russia.

Nothing personifies the absurd DC perspective and disconnect more than a group of bipartisan politicians concerned about the borders of Ukraine and ignoring the border crisis in our own country.

Who knows where this will end up?